Sighlent Letterz
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“Why do we spell knife with a K? Hav you ever pondered the effect of ignoring things that are rite infront of you, like letters in words? If every “thing” is a word will you end up ignoring “things?”...”
Werdz ar non-visible, yet they ar all-so fizikal. That iz wye compliments & Insults literally feel good and bad. EngLISh programs yue to ignore things that make sense, and pay attentions to the things that do not. Ex-sample= We Ignore the word ION and say SHUN insted.
Sae-ying a word incorrectly prevents you frum create-ing wat you want wen yue speek, because words carry a vibrate-ion (an ion that vibrates). Yue shun the IONS wen yue say “Shun” insted of “ION”. Be cause words are verbal thauts. And if yore thauts & dreams be cum reel, the fasttest way to make them happen, is to speak them into existence. But if U R Knot speak-King pro-per (Lee), Yue WILL “not cree-ate” them. Yue ar not dreaming yore dreamz, yore dreemz are dreaming you. Now pull out your Fone, type the letters G-O-D on yore dial pad and add up the numbers....4+6+3=13.... Wood yue lyke to Noe Moore?
The uniqueness of Sigh-Lent Letterz begins with the fact that is the first book in North America that is read rite to left like books from eastern countries, HOWEVER! You have the opt-ion to start reading from either side of the book. Script iz redd frum the bottom of the page to the top, sentences ar redd from rite to left, werdz ar ritten foneticly, and the pages are black with wyte print.
END<<<“NOE. to moore still iz thare TRUTHE see-king is who individual an ar yue If .lives our within incorporated, result a as and believe to us charmed has Language EngLISh the that programming the X-poses LETTERZ SIGHLENT” << This novel is desined to hav you thingk, speak, and create differently than the indoctrinated EngLISh language you presently speak, tayking you back to the origin of werds and the lyfe that resides within them. It is comprised of short stories, speeches, random thauts, dreams and a brake-down of the EngLISh language and how it affects us in a negativ waye if you ONLY speek EngLISh.