
Below Are Your Selected Attending Tradeshow

As a pediatric nurse with a degree in secondary science education, a certificate in school nursing and a victim of learning disability, I have spent thirty years researching the cause and treatments especially of reading disability. I have a good understanding of this learning problem.

I am going to describe the trouble this disease has caused me, hoping you will relate to these problems and be able to change your life with some of my ideas. The book will explain where the problems come from and how to rid them from your life.

As a baby, I was a slow walker. As I grew I tripped frequently. I often spilled my milk or juice. My parents sent me to ballet classes to improve my gait since I was so "clumsy". My physical development was normal. I tripped and fell so frequently that I developed a severe infection in my knee and amputation was a possibility. Fortunately it never went that far.

My school life was a disaster! Frequent failure and corrections were the order of each day from the moment I entered a classroom. No one seemed to know why I made so many mistakes. My alphabet, reading and spelling were filled with errors. After a year or more of mistakes with criticism I began to stutter and developed some facial tics. I also did a lot of blinking. My dad supported me, telling me the teachers were wrong, I was really very bright. I choose to believe him.

My eyes were checked several times. My parents were told I had wonderful vision (20:20), but I was just a little bit "cock-eyed"! As I progressed in school I learned to compensate through hard work and good listening skills. My stuttering subsided and in the fifth grade I was placed in a higher functioning group. I still hated to read. I chose the smallest books and even at that my eyes watered as I read. My spelling was atrocious. Standardized tests showed "I was not college material"! I decided to work my way through college anyway.

I have done a lot of work with children and found learning disabled children have difficulty getting their eyes to work together. As a school nurse I developed easy screens to help families uncover this problem. I have also developed an innovative electronic treatment I believe will eliminate or at least improve this problem in most victims.

