Sustainable Construction: Green Building Design and Delivery, Third Edition
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More About This Title Sustainable Construction: Green Building Design and Delivery, Third Edition


The classic reference for high-performance green building delivery systems

No longer just a buzzword, sustainable construction is going mainstream—and soon will be the norm. Revised to reflect the latest developments of the U.S. Green Building Council's Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) rating system and other tools, Sustainable Construction: Green Building Design and Delivery, Third Edition guides construction and design professionals through the process of developing commercial and institutional high-performance green buildings in today's marketplace.

Charles Kibert provides an introduction to green building, covering the theory, history, and state of the industry as well as best practices in building procurement and delivery systems. From green building and Green Globes assessments to building hydrological systems and materials and product selection, this comprehensive text covers all of the factors involved with sustainable construction. In a clear and accessible writing style, Kibert addresses issues so that the reader can think critically and independently as part of the cutting edge in green building.

The Third Edition includes up-to-date coverage of:

The latest developments leading up to LEED version 4Carbon neutral design and carbon accountingGreen Globes and international building assessment systemsThe Living Building ChallengeEnvironmental product declarations (EPDs) as the norm for green building productsThe trends in net-zero energy building design and policies

Broad enough to cover the needs of faculty and students and detailed enough to serve as a professional reference, Sustainable Construction, Third Edition is a must for the builder/owner and construction manager looking to take advantage of the opportunities in this rapidly evolving field, the designer looking to be LEED certified, or anyone interested in sustainability.


Charles J. Kibert, PhD, PE, is a professor in the M. E. Rinker Sr. School of Building Construction at the University of Florida, Gainesville, and founded the university's Powell Center for Construction and Environment as well as Task Group 16 (Sustainable Construction) and Task Group 39 (Deconstruction) for CIB. He is cofounder and chairman of the Cross Creek Initiative, a nonprofit industry/university joint venture that seeks to implement sustainability principles in construction. He has been cochair of the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) Curriculum and Accreditation Committee and a board member of the Green Building Initiative.


Foreword xiii

Preface xv

Chapter 1 Introduction and Overview 1

The Shifting Landscape for High-Performance Buildings 3

Sustainable Development and Sustainable Construction 6

The Vocabulary of Sustainable Development and Sustainable Construction 7

Sustainable Design, Ecological Design, and Green Design 10

Rationale for High-Performance Green Buildings 12

State and Local Guidelines for High-Performance Construction 13

Green Building Progress and Obstacles 14

Book Organization 16

Trends in High-Performance Green Building 16

Case Study: Kroon Hall, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut 22

Summary and Conclusions 25

Notes 25

References 27

Part I Green Building Foundations 29

Chapter 2 Background 33

Ethics and Sustainability 35

Basic Concepts and Vocabulary 43

Major Environmental and Resource Concerns 52

The Green Building Movement 60

Case Study: OWP 11, Stuttgart, Germany 70

Summary and Conclusions 72

Notes 73

References 76

Chapter 3 Ecological Design 79

Design versus Ecological Design 80

Historical Perspective 82

Contemporary Ecological Design 88

Key Green Building Publications: Early 1990s 89

Key Contemporary Publications about Ecological Design 92

Future Ecological Design 97

Thermodynamics: Limits on Recycling and the Dissipation of Materials 104

Thought Piece: Regenerative Development and Design: Working with the Whole by Bill Reed 109

Summary and Conclusions 111

Notes 111

References 112

Part II Assessing High-Performance Green Buildings 115

Chapter 4 Green Building Assessment 119

Major Green Building Assessment Systems Used in the United States 121

International Building Assessment Systems 123

BREEAM CaseStudy: AHVLA Stores Building, Weybridge, United Kingdom 127

Green Star Case Study 133

Thought Piece: Shifting Emphasis in Green Building Performance Assessment by Raymond J. Cole 138

Summary and Conclusions 141

Notes 141

References 142

Chapter 5 The US Green Building Council LEED Building Rating System 143

Brief History of LEED 144

Structure of the LEED Suite of Building Assessment Systems 145

LEED Credentials 146

The LEED Process 147

LEED Categories 152

Case Study: The Heavener Football Complex, University of Florida, Gainesville 169

Summary and Conclusions 173

Notes 173

Chapter 6 The Green Globes Building Assessment System 175

The Green Globes Process 176

Green Globes Verification and Certification 177

Structure of the ANSI/GBI 01-2010 Standard 177

The Green Globes Professional and Green Globes Assessor 180

Case Study: Health Sciences Building, St. Johns River State College, St. Augustine, Florida 181

Summary and Conclusions 187

Note 187

Part III Green Building Design 189

Chapter 7 The Green Building Design Process 191

Conventional versus Green Building Delivery Systems 191

Executing the Green Building Project 195

The Integrated Design Process 199

Role of the Charrette in the Design Process 204

Green Building Documentation Requirements 206

Case Study: Theaterhaus, Stuttgart, Germany 208

Summary and Conclusions 213

Notes 213

Chapter 8 The Sustainable Site and Landscape 215

Land and Landscape Approaches for Green Buildings 216

Land Use Issues 217

Sustainable Landscapes 223

Enhancing Ecosystems 230

Stormwater Management 230

Low-Impact Development 231

Heat Island Mitigation 236

Light Trespass and Pollution Reduction 237

Assessment of Sustainable Sites: The Sustainable Sites Initiative 238

Summary and Conclusions 240

Notes 240

References 241

Chapter 9 Energy and Carbon Footprint Reduction 243

Building Energy Issues 244

High-Performance Building Energy Design Strategy 248

Passive Design Strategy 251

Building Envelope 259

Internal Load Reduction 265

Active Mechanical Systems 268

Water-Heating Systems 274

Electrical Power Systems 275

Innovative Energy Optimization Strategies 281

Renewable Energy Systems 284

Fuel Cells 287

Smart Buildings and Energy Management Systems 288

Ozone-Depleting Chemicals in HVAC&R Systems 289

Reducing the Carbon Footprint of the Built Environment 290

Case Study: River Campus Building One, Oregon Health and Science University, Portland 296

Thought Piece: Building Energy Analysis: The Present and Future by Ravi Srinivasan 302

Summary and Conclusions 303

Notes 304

References 305

Chapter 10 Built Environment Hydrologic Cycle 309

Global Water Resource Depletion 310

Water Distribution and Shortages in the United States 311

Hydrologic Cycle Terminology 315

High-Performance Building Hydrologic Cycle Strategy 316

Designing the High-Performance Building Hydrologic Cycle 332

Water Budget Rules of Thumb (Heuristics) 336

Sustainable Stormwater Management 337

Landscaping Water Efficiency 345

Case Study: LOTT Clean Water Alliance, Olympia, Washington 347

Summary and Conclusions 349

Notes 350

References 351

Chapter 11 Closing Materials Loops 353

The Challenge of Materials and Product Selection 355

Distinguishing between Green Building Products and Green Building Materials 357

LCA of Building Materials and Products 365

Environmental Product Declarations 367

Materials and Product Certification Systems 368

Key and Emerging Construction Materials and Products 370

Design for Deconstruction and Disassembly 378

Case Study: Project XX Office Building, Delft, Netherlands 381

Thought Piece: Closing Materials Loops by Bradley Guy 385

Summary and Conclusions 386

Notes 387

References 388

Chapter 12 Indoor Environmental Quality 389

Indoor Environmental Quality: The Issues 389

Integrated IEQ Design 399

Addressing the Main Components of Integrated IEQ Design 402

Emissions from Building Materials 422

Economic Benefits of Good Indoor Environmental Quality 429

Summary and Conclusions 430

Notes 430

References 431

Part IV Green Building Implementation 433

Chapter 13 Construction Operations and Commissioning 435

Site Protection Planning 435

Managing Indoor Air Quality during Construction 440

Construction Materials Management 444

Construction and Demolition Waste Management 448

Commissioning 450

Thought Piece: The Role of Commissioning in High-Performance Green Buildings by John Chyz 457

Summary and Conclusions 459

Notes 459

References 460

Chapter 14 Green Building Economics 461

General Approach 462

The Business Case for High-Performance Green Buildings 465

The Economics of Green Building 466

Quantifying Green Building Benefits 468

Managing First Costs 475

Tunneling through the Cost Barrier 479

Summary and Conclusions 481

Notes 481

References 482

Chapter 15 The Cutting Edge of Sustainable Construction 483

Passive Survivability 484

Cutting Edge: Case Studies 486

Case Study: The Federal Building, San Francisco, California 486

Articulating Performance Goals for Future Green Buildings 490

The Challenges 491

Revamping Ecological Design 497

Today’s Cutting Edge 501

Thought Piece: Processes, Geometries, and Principles: Design in a Sustainable Future by Kim Sorvig 504

Summary and Conclusions 506

Notes 506

References 507

Appendix A Quick Reference for LEED 3.0 509

Appendix B The Sustainable Sites Initiative™ (SITES™) Guidelines and Performance Benchmarks 2009 513

Appendix C Unit Conversions 517

Abbreviations and Acronyms 519

Glossary 525

Index 537
