Business Analytics for Managers: Taking BusinessIntelligence Beyond Reporting
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More About This Title Business Analytics for Managers: Taking BusinessIntelligence Beyond Reporting


World-class guidance for delivering the right decision support to the right people at the right time

A vital blueprint for organizations that want to thrive in the competitive fray, Business Analytics for Managers presents a sustainable business analytics (BA) model focusing on the interaction of IT technology, strategy, business processes, and a broad spectrum of human competencies and organizational circumstances.

Proven guidance on developing an information strategyTips for supporting your company's ability to innovate in the future by using analyticsAn understanding of BA as a holistic information discipline with links to your business's strategyPractical insights for planning and implementing BAHow to use information as a strategic assetWhy BA is the next stepping-stone for companies in the information age todayDiscussion on BA's ever-increasing role

Filled with examples and forward-thinking guidance from renowned BA leaders Gert Laursen and Jesper Thorlund, Business Analytics for Managers offers powerful techniques for making increasingly advanced use of information in order to survive any market conditions.


GERT H.N. LAURSEN is head of customer intelligence at Maersk Line, the largest containerized shipping company in the world. He focuses on helping product-oriented organizations become more customer-centered through the use of various data sources, including data warehousing, questionnaires, and one-to-one interviews with customers, first-line staff, sales organizations, and other subject matter experts.

JESPER THORLUND is a business intelligence consultant and frequent speaker on business intelligence, business analytics, and microeconomics throughout Europe.


Foreword ix

Introduction xi

What Does BA Mean? Information Systems—Not Technical Solutions xiv

Purpose and Audience xvi

Organization of Chapters xix

Why the Term Business Analytics? xx

Chapter 1 The Business Analytics Model 1

Overview of the Business Analytics Model 2

Deployment of the BA Model 6

Conclusions 12

Chapter 2 Business Analytics at the Strategic Level 17

Link Between Strategy and the Deployment of BA 18

Strategy and BA: Four Scenarios 19

Which Information Do We Prioritize? 31

Summary 40

Chapter 3 Development and Deployment of Information at the Functional Level 43

Case Study: A Trip to the Summerhouse 46

Establishing Business Processes with the Rockart Model 55

Example: Establishing New Business Processes with the Rockart Model 57

Optimizing Existing Business Processes 65

Example: Deploying Performance Management to Optimize Existing Processes 67

Which Process Should You Start with? 72

A Catalogue of Ideas with KPIs for the Company’s Different Functions 90

Summary 91

Chapter 4 Business Analytics at the Analytical Level 93

Data, Information, and Knowledge 94

Analyst’s Role in the BA Model 95

Three Requirements the Analyst Must Meet 98

Required Competencies for the Analyst 101

Hypothesis-Driven Methods 117

Data Mining with Target Variables 120

Explorative Methods 127

Business Requirements 130

Summary 134

Chapter 5 Business Analytics at the Data Warehouse Level 137

Why a Data Warehouse? 137

Architecture and Processes in a Data Warehouse 140

Tips and Techniques in Data Warehousing 160

Summary 168

Chapter 6 The Company’s Collection of Source Data 169

What Are Source Systems, and What Can They Be Used for? 170

Which Information Is Best to Use for Which Task? 174

When There is More Than One Way to Get the Job Done 177

When the Quality of Source Data Fails 179

Summary 180

Chapter 7 Structuring of a Business Intelligence Competency Center 183

What Is a Business Intelligence Competency Center? 183

Why Set Up a Business Intelligence Competency Center? 184

Tasks and Competencies 185

Centralized or Decentralized Organization 191

When Should a BICC Be Established? 197

Summary 200

Chapter 8 Assessment and Prioritization of BA Projects 201

Is it a Strategic Project or Not? 201

Uncovering the Value Creation of the Project 203

When Projects Run Over Several Years 209

When the Uncertainty Is Too Big 211

Projects as Part of the Bigger Picture 214

Summary 222

Chapter 9 Business Analytics in the Future 223

Index 231
