The Executive's Guide to Enterprise Social Media Strategy: How Social Networks Are Radically Transforming Your Business
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  • Wiley

More About This Title The Executive's Guide to Enterprise Social Media Strategy: How Social Networks Are Radically Transforming Your Business


Social media has already transformed society. Now it is poised to revolutionize communications and collaborative business processes. This book provides you with an actionable framework for developing and executing successful enterprise social networking strategies. Using straightforward language, accompanied by exhibits and fleshed out with real-world stories and revealing anecdotes, you will learn how to develop your own internal corporate social media strategy. Through the use of in-depth interviews with leading companies using these strategies, you will also discover best practices that will propel your business to new heights.


DAVID B. THOMAS is Executive Director at New Marketing Labs, a new media marketing agency. Before joining NML, he was social media manager at SAS, where he led the company's global social media strategy. A marketer and communicator with more than twenty years' experience, Dave blogs at

MIKE BARLOW is an award-winning journalist and author. He is Managing Partner at Cumulus Partners (, a marketing communications strategy consulting firm specializing in original content development and content-based marketing.






Country Village or Gleaming City?

Beyond Disruptive.

Step Aside, Fred Taylor?

Social Media or What?

Why Now?

So, What's the Best Way to Skin a Mastodon?

Questions You Should Be Prepared to Answer.

Critical Areas for Success.

Part I: The Grand Scheme of Things.

Chapter 1: Speed, Scope, Complexity, Power, and Potential.

They Laughed at the Wright Brothers.

A World of New Challenges and Opportunities.

Getting a Firm Grasp on a Viral Phenomenon.

What's the Hurry?

Too New-Fangled for You?

A Very Cool Scenario.

Step Up and Meet the Millennial Generation.

Just What You Needed: Another ?Perfect Storm?.

Chapter 2: The New Mode of Production.

Social Media, Teamwork, and Collaboration.

Mapping Social Media to Results.

Accelerating Product Development.

Driving Knowledge into and across the Organization.

Crowd Sourcing?

We're All Hackers Now.

Chapter 3: The Social Enterprise.

Forget Murphy's Law.

More Important Than Money?

The Social Workforce.

Collaboration is the New Efficiency.

Social HR.

First Impressions Count.

The Train Is Leaving the Station?

The New Social Dimension.

Social CRM.

Social Leadership.

Making It Stick.

Legal Niceties.

High Speeds Need Seat Belts.

Take the Time to Write It Down.

Part II: Building a Structure for Success.

Chapter 4: Get Everybody Together in the Same Room.

Invite the Practitioners, Not Just the Rulemakers.

Figure Out What's Important.

What Are Your Existing Goals?

What Makes Sense in Your Industry?

What Makes Sense in Your Company?

How Can You Figure Out What Will Work for You?

Chapter 5: Creating Social Media Guidelines.

Be Clear and Concise.

Guiding Principles for Social Media at SAS.

Include Do's as Well as Don?ts.

Include Examples.

Communicate as Often as Possible, in Every Channel you Have.

Spotlight Successes.

Lead by Example.

Chapter 6: Staffing and Structuring.

Where Does It Live?

Hire or Designate?

How Do You Structure for Social?

How One Organization Pulls It Together.

Outsourcing the Roles.

Chapter 7: Listening, Measurement, Analytics, and ROI.

A Simple Listening Framework.

First, a Word from the Measurement Queen.

?Listen Yes. But Think Bigger.?.

The Five Kinds of Listening

What Is Social Media Analytics?

CareOne's Measurement Model.

Not a Simple Formula, but a Formula Nonetheless.

Chapter 8: The Keys to Success in Social Media.

It's Difficult in Its Simplicity.

Finding the Time to Do It.

A Simple Model.

Using All Your Channels.

Nine Easy Ways to Write a Blog Post.

Part III: Putting Your Social Media Strategy to Work.

Chapter 9: Marketing.

From Strollers to Sharpies.

From the Nursery to the Kitchen.

Sharpie, Meet Lamborghini.

Bert's Advice.

Chapter 10: Social Media for B2B.

B2B and Phonebooth-to-B.

Taking an Integrated Approach at Cisco.

Chapter 11: Public Relations.

The Old Model of PR.

The New Model of PR.

Social Media PR at the Mayo Clinic.

Social Media in a Crisis.

Greenpeace versus Nestlé.

The Power of Parody.

Chapter 12: Sales.

Turning Twitter Connections into Sales Leads.

A Debt of Gratitude.

Chapter 13: The Voice of the Customer.

Customer Service.

Comcast Cares.

Nothing Is Certain but Twitter and Taxes.

Product Development.

The Phone Is Ringing.

Chapter 14: Internal Communications.

The ?Virtual Water Cooler?.

Social Media and Internal Communications at SAS.

Appendix: Intuit Social Communications Policy.

Additional Resources.

Recommended Reading.

About the Authors.

