Leadership Solutions: The Pathway to Bridge theLeadership Gap
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  • Wiley

More About This Title Leadership Solutions: The Pathway to Bridge theLeadership Gap


An organizational guide to assessing, measuring, and building leadership capacity

Leadership capacity has emerged as a key source of competitive advantage in today's economy. But many organizations struggle to develop the capacity they need to succeed. This book offers concrete and precise strategies to close the leadership gap. It explains in detail how to conduct a leadership analysis, determining exactly where the gaps are in both organizational and individual leadership; analyzes the challenges a company faces; helps in understanding an organization's leadership deficit; and generates leadership solutions tailored to the organization's particular needs and shortcomings.


Dr. David Weiss is President & CEO of Weiss International Ltd. David and his team of organizational consultants lead innovative consulting projects that generate effective strategy, leadership, and HR solutions for boards, executives, and senior leaders in Canada, USA, and Europe. David has developed an extensive practice in strategic planning, executive leadership development and coaching, and organizational and HR consulting. He is an Affiliate Professor at the Joseph Rotman School of Management, a Senior Research Fellow at Queen’s University, and a Faculty Member of the Technion Institute of Management. David is a Lifetime Member of the Global Directory of Who’s Who, a lifetime Fellow Canadian HR Professional, and a recipient of the HR Leadership Award from the Asia-Pacific HR Management Association. David is a sought-after conference keynote and business motivational speaker and has authored or co-authored three other books: Beyond the Walls of Conflict, High-Performance HR, and The Leadership Gap. For more information see www.weissinternational.ca

Dr. Vince Molinaro is Principal and National Practice Lead – Organizational Solutions with Knightsbridge Human Capital Solutions. He is responsible for leading the organizational consulting arm of Knightsbridge, which specializes in providing strategic facilitation, team effectiveness, leadership capacity and talent management solutions to clients. Vince has designed and implemented award-winning programs that have transformed leadership cultures for his clients. He is called upon by the media for his innovative opinions on leadership, creating high-performance organizations and executive team development. An engaging speaker, Vince conducts keynote presentations within corporations, international conferences and business schools. He received his Doctorate from the University of Toronto and has degrees from BrockUniversity and McMasterUniversity. Vince has published extensively in journals and business magazines. He is also the co-author of The Leadership Gap.  For more information see www.knightsbridge.ca

Dr. Liane Davey is Principal and Central Region Practice Lead—Organizational Solutions with Knightsbridge Human Capital Solutions.  She is responsible for leading client engagements focused on strategic planning, executive team effectiveness and leadership capacity. Liane received her Master’s and Doctorate in Industrial/Organizational Psychology from the University of Waterloo and a Bachelor’s from the University of Western Ontario. She has been widely published in trade and academic journals; Leadership Solutions is her first book.  For more information, visit www.knightsbridge.ca


List of Figures.


Author Biographies.


Part One: Leadership.

Chapter 1. The Leadership Gap Persists.

Chapter 2. Leadership Capacity.

Chapter 3. The Three Dimensions of Leadership Capacity.

Chapter 4. The Individual Leader Dimension: The Holistic View of Leadership.

Chapter 5. The Individual Leader Dimension: The Five Capabilities of Holistic Leaders.

Chapter 6. The Organizational Practices Dimension.

Chapter 7. The Leadership Culture Dimension.

Part Two: Solutions.

Chapter 8. The Pathway Forward.

Chapter 9. Step1: Determine Leadership requirements.

Chapter 10. Step 2: Measure the Gap.

Chapter 11. Step 3: Act to Build Capacity.

Chapter 12. Step 4: Do Your Part.

Chapter 13. Shape Your Future.

Appendix A. Audit of Organizational Practices and Accompanying 30-Cell Grid.

Appendix B. Survey of Leadership Culture and Accompanying 30-Cell Grid.

Appendix C. Assessment of Leader Behaviors and Accompanying 30-Cell Grid.



About Knightsbridge.


Praise for Leadership Solutions

Leadership Solutions challenges the conventional focus on individual leadership development. By highlighting the critical role of culture and organizational practices, it provides the pathway to build the leadership capacity of your organization. Leadership Solutions has an ideal blend of insights and practical tools that will make it essential reading for anyone trying to accelerate the development of leadership in their organization.”
—Marianne Hasold-Schilter, Senior Vice President, Leadership & Top Talent Management, Scotiabank

“A significant work that is worth reading and re-reading. It combines clarity of thinking with the ability to be executed, resulting in value delivered each and every time”
—Paul Lucas, President & CEO, GlaxoSmithKline Inc.

Leadership Solutions delivers what the title promises. Moving from an analysis of the leadership gap, the book offers a holistic model of leadership then offers a realistic and practical pathway forward for dealing with the leadership gap. Specific steps for determining leadership requirements, measuring the gap, and acting to build capacity move this book beyond what a lot of other leadership books offer. I also very much like the finale of the book, with its emphasis on individual responsibilities for doing your part and shaping your future. While some great leaders may be born, the vast majority are ‘made’ and the first responsibility of any leader is to take responsibility for themselves.”
—Dr. Dan Ondrack, Professor and Academic Director – Executive Programs,Joseph L. Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto

Leadership Solutions offers the theory and practice that can enable holistic leadership to develop within a strategy-driven organization. Today, the need for leadership transcends traditional functional expertise and hierarchical structures. This book provides the template for the personal and corporate growth that will permit holistic leaders to transform any organization.”
—Dr. Robert S. Bell, MDCM, MSc, FACS, FRCSC, President and Chief Executive Officer, University Health Network
