Tougher Boards for Tougher Times: Corporate Governance in the Post-Enron Era
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Praise for Tougher Boards for Tougher Times

"Written by one of Canada's leading and most experienced directors, Tougher Boards for Tougher Times is a must-read for all aspiring, current and seasoned directors. This eye-opening book inspires all of us to strive for excellence and integrity in the boardroom in an intelligent, informative and pragmatic way."

Beverly Topping, President & CEO, Institute of Corporate Directors and ICD Corporate Governance College

"The 'tick the box' requirements of good governance are now well understood and broadly followed. These are the basic foundations for good governance. Dimma makes a real contribution to moving from that base to the new level of governance performance required in today's corporate environment, drawing on practical experience and relevant examples of how governance can be improved."

The Honorable Michael H. Wilson, Chairman, UBS Canada, and Chairman, Canadian Coalition for Good Governance

"Bill Dimma uses a light touch in bringing to bear all the wisdom of his vast boardroom experience. He shows that it's not just what you do as a director, it is also the way that you do it that matters in the post-Enron boardroom world."

Phillip Crawley, Publisher and CEO, The Globe and Mail

"If all corporate directors had carried out their responsibilities as capably as Bill Dimma, corporate governance would not be such a controversial issue as it is today. This is a 'must read' for directors as well as our future business leaders--the business students of today. It is an opportunity for all of us to learn from a pro!"

Carol Stephenson, Dean, Richard Ivey School of Business, The University of Western Ontario

"In the world of corporate governance three things matter most: experience, experience, and experience. Bill Dimma is the voice of experience. His latest book cuts through all the theories and fads in the corporate governance craze and offers truly useful advice."

Governor Jim Blanchard, Former Governor of Michigan, Former U.S. Ambassador to Canada, and Corporate Director


William A. Dimma has had a long and distinguished career as a director, serving on fifty-five corporate boards and another forty not-for-profit boards. For over forty years, he has been sought after for the knowledge and understanding he brings to the field of corporate governance, as well as for his dedication to, and passion for, improving the practice of directorship.

Mr. Dimma has served as a director or chairman for the following organizations, among many others: Brookfield Asset Management Inc., Delta Hotels, Enbridge Inc., Greater Toronto Airports Authority, Home Capital Group, London Life Insurance Company, Monsanto Canada, Sears Canada, Torstar Corporation, Trizec Corporation, and Union Carbide Canada Limited.

In addition to his illustrious career as a director, Mr. Dimma has also held numerous senior management positions at companies such as Union Carbide Canada, Torstar Corporation and Toronto Star Newspapers, A. E. LePage, and Royal LePage.

He earned a doctorate in Business Administration from Harvard University and holds honorary degrees from several Canadian universities, as well as the Order of Canada and the Order of Ontario.

The Institute of Corporate Directors (ICD) is the national association for corporate directors in Canada. Their membership represents directors who serve corporations of all sizes, including not-for-profits, SMEs (small and medium sized enterprises) and crown corporations.

The mission of the Institute of Corporate Directors is to represent the interests of directors -- to foster excellence in directors to strengthen the governance and performance of Canadian corporations. The ICD will achieve this mission through education, certification and advocacy of best practices in governance.


Praise for Tougher Boards for Tougher Times

"Written by one of Canada’s leading and most experienced directors, Tougher Boards for Tougher Times is a must-read for all aspiring, current and seasoned directors. This eye-opening book inspires all of us to strive for excellence and integrity in the boardroom in an intelligent, informative and pragmatic way."

Beverly Topping, President & CEO, Institute of Corporate Directors and ICD Corporate Governance College


"The ‘tick the box’ requirements of good governance are now well understood and broadly followed. These are the basic foundations for good governance. Dimma makes a real contribution to moving from that base to the new level of governance performance required in today’s corporate environment, drawing on practical experience and relevant examples of how governance can be improved."

The Honorable Michael H. Wilson, Chairman, UBS Canada, and Chairman, Canadian Coalition for Good Governance


"Bill Dimma uses a light touch in bringing to bear all the wisdom of his vast boardroom experience. He shows that it’s not just what you do as a director, it is also the way that you do it that matters in the post-Enron boardroom world."

Phillip Crawley, Publisher and CEO, The Globe and Mail


"If all corporate directors had carried out their responsibilities as capably as Bill Dimma, corporate governance would not be such a controversial issue as it is today. This is a ‘must read’ for directors as well as our future business leaders—the business students of today. It is an opportunity for all of us to learn from a pro!"

Carol Stephenson, Dean, Richard Ivey School of Business, The University of Western Ontario


"In the world of corporate governance three things matter most: experience, experience, and experience. Bill Dimma is the voice of experience. His latest book cuts through all the theories and fads in the corporate governance craze and offers truly useful advice."

Governor Jim Blanchard, Former Governor of Michigan, Former U.S. Ambassador to Canada, and Corporate Director

More Praise for Tougher Boards for Tougher Times

"Drawing on his 40 years’ experience serving on more than 50 boards, Bill Dimma offers fresh and discerning insights into the most difficult and controversial issues associated with corporate governance. A must-read for practicing and prospective directors alike."

Dezsö J. Horváth, Dean, Tanna H. Schulich Chair in Strategic Management, Schulich School of Business, York University

"Bill Dimma has made an enormous contribution to both corporate governance and the basic integrity of enterprise in this country with this new book on the role of the Boards of Directors in contemporary business. Tougher Boards for Tougher Times should be made mandatory reading for all present Directors and those who harbour aspirations for the office."

James K. Gray, O.C., Co-founder and former Chairman, Canadian Hunter Exploration Ltd.

"This book illustrates why Bill Dimma is recognized as a leader in the field of corporate governance. Bill has the ability to articulate difficult concepts so that they are easily understood. This book is a must read for all those who are involved, or aspire to become involved, in corporate governance."

Purdy Crawford , Counsel, Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP

"I can only applaud Bill Dimma’s Tougher Boards for Tougher Times as very readable and filled with experience and wisdom. It should be read by all involved in corporate governance, from investors to executives and of course regulators and directors."

Stephen A. Jarislowsky, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Jarislowsky, Fraser Limited

"Bill Dimma’s new book is full of penetrating insights into the work of the director in the modern enterprise. None is more telling than the recognition that a director’s own character is as vital as any definition of independence or formal requirements of corporate governance regulations."

Dr. R. I. (Bob) Tricker, author of the Economist Essential Director and first to use the title Corporate Governance

"All Canadian directors—and shareholders—should celebrate the publication of Tougher Boards for Tougher Times: Corporate Governance in the Post-Enron Era, in which Bill Dimma shares his vast experience, his wisdom and his frank advice on how to strive for excellence in what he calls ‘the brave new world of directorship in this young century.’ It’s a great read and an invaluable reference book—I couldn’t put it down!"

Mary Mogford, Corporate Director (ICD.D.)

"Bill Dimma has been actively and positively involved in corporate governance for over a generation. I have always found him well worth listening to—and reading as well!"

The Right Honourable John N. Turner, P.C., C.C., Q.C., Miller Thomson LLP

"Once again, Bill Dimma has written a thorough and practical guide to navigating the often treacherous currents of board governance. Its readibility makes it a useful handbook for us all."

Arthur Martinez, Former Chairman, President and CEO, Sears, Roebuck and Co.

"Bill’s book is a must-read for both existing and potential Directors. For as the title suggests, joining a Board in today’s post-Enron world is a serious, sometimes thankless, but most important challenge and responsibility."

Peter C. Godsoe, Former Chairman and CEO, Scotiabank

"Bill Dimma’s book is a must read for every corporate director, particularly for those joining a board for the first time."

The Honourable Henry N. R. Jackman, O.C., O.Ont., LL.D., C.D., Honorary Chairman, The Empire Life Insurance Company

"Bill Dimma deals with the evolving subject of corporate governance generally, and the increasingly onerous role of board directors in particular, with his habitual understanding, decision, and good humour. No one in Canada today writes with greater insight and concision about the vexed question of business ethics in a rapidly changing corporate world."

The Honourable Roy MacLaren, Former Federal Cabinet member, former Canadian High Commissioner to the United Kingdom, and Corporate Director

"Bill Dimma has done it again! Tougher Boards for Tougher Times truly captures many important things about corporate governance that simply have not kept up with the changing expectations of our society. At one level, this helpful book harvests insights and presents good, sound thinking and wisdom about a host of the complicated puzzles and issues that contemporary boards must come to grips with. At another level, though, and even more important than his careful review and discussion of the many dimensions of corporate governance that are under attack, Dimma strikes at the overwhelming importance of character and ethics in determining whether or not one is going to be an effective board member. This is a very well balanced book that gives boards, board members, and those interested in the proper functioning of boards fundamental insights into what it takes to be effective and meet the expectations of our communities in this challenged domain of corporate governance."

John McArthur, Former Dean, Harvard Business School

"Bill Dimma’s wealth of experience leaps off the pages of his most recent book. Tougher Boards for Tougher Times will provide welcome guidance for corporate directors navigating through the challenges faced by 21st century boards."

Carol Hansell, Senior Partner, Davies Ward Phillips Vineberg LLP
