Learning in 3D: Adding a New Dimension toEnterprise Learning and Collaboration
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More About This Title Learning in 3D: Adding a New Dimension toEnterprise Learning and Collaboration


Praise for Learning in 3D

"Learning is the key to our future and powerful learning will result from immersive, interactive, and creative 3D designs. Tony O'Driscoll and Karl Kapp have written a disruptive book about a disruptive technology that we all need to explore. This is a must read!" —Elliott Masie, chair, The LearningCONSORTIUM

"Karl Kapp and Tony O'Driscoll are, amazingly, both the best theorists and practitioners in using virtual worlds in every type of educational venue. Many will love their vision, but I am more hooked on their practicality and hand-holding."—Clark Aldrich, author, Learning Online with Games, Simulations, and Virtual Worlds: Strategies for Online Instruction

"Kapp and O'Driscoll nailed it. The right balance of case studies, theories and practical advice for any organization pursing the use of virtual worlds for learning. If you are interested in virtual worlds for learning and collaboration, this book is for you." —David A. Manning, managing partner, Performance Development Group

"The big contribution of Learning in 3D is that it provides research informed guidance and practical tips and techniques for using 3D virtual environments to achieve real business results...the case studies are outstanding." —Lisa Clune, president, Kaplan EduNeering

"As the world makes its way through a period of significant change, Learning in 3D couldn't come at a better time. Today, organizations and individuals are being challenged to make the most of learning collaboratively. This book stimulates our thinking on how to maximize the impact of technology, while providing a practical blueprint—with 'revolutionary' examples—of how to bring a new dimension to learning." —John Malitoris, regional managing director, Duke Corporate Education

"Tony O'Driscoll and Karl Kapp remind us that learning is the fourth dimension—and the one that really counts in collaboration. A must-read for the future of learning in environments virtual and otherwise." —Cathy Davidson, Ruth F. DeVarney Professor of English at Duke University and co-director HASTAC/MacArthur Foundation Digital Media and Learning Competition.


Karl M. Kapp, Ed.D., is a professor of instructional technology in Bloomsburg University's Instructional Technology Department and is the assistant director of the Institute for Interactive Technologies. He is a frequent speaker, consultant, scholar, and expert on the convergence of learning, technology, and business operations. He has published hundreds of articles, whitepapers, and industry reports on the topics of organizational learning, instructional technologies, and virtual worlds. He has written several books, including Winning e-Learning Proposals and Gadgets, Games, and Gizmos for Learning and is regularly interviewed by magazine, television, and radio outlets.

Tony O'Driscoll, Ed.D.,is a professor of the practice at Duke University's Fuqua School of Business where he also serves as executive director of Fuqua's Center for IT and Media; a research center dedicated to understanding the strategic, structural, and business model issues emerging from these vibrant and volatile industry sectors. His research has been published in leading academic journals such as Management Information Sciences Quarterly, the Journal of Management Information Systems, and the Journal of Product Innovation Management. He has also written for respected professional journals such as Harvard Business Review, Strategy and Business, Supply Chain Management Review and Chief Learning Officer magazine.





Part I: Exploring the Possibilities.

Chapter 1: Here Comes the Immersive Internet.

The Invisibly Pervasive Web.

Welcome to the Webvolution.

Social Production Comes of Age.

The Immersive Internet Singularity.

Business Unusual.

Chapter 2: Learning to Change.

Challenging Classroom Captivation.

A Preoccupation with Productivity.

Seven Scary Problems with the Status Quo.

Compounded Marginalization.

Networked Learning.

Learning to Change.

Chapter 3: Escaping Flatland.

A Brave New Learning World.

From Interactivity to Engagement.

The Seven Sensibilities of VIEs.

Synthesizing the Sensibilities.

Implications for Trainers and Educators.

Part II: Building a Blueprint.

Chapter 4: Architecting Learning Experiences.

Avoiding the Buggy-Whip Experience.

3D Learning Experience Design Principles.

Synthesizing the Principles.

From Principles to Macrostructures.

From Macrostructures to Archetypes and Sensibilities.

Achieving Architectural Alignment.

Implications for Learning Professionals.

Insights from Innovators, by Randy Hinrichs, CEO of 2b3d.

Chapter 5: Designing by Archetype.


Creation of the Archetypes.

Defining the Archetypes.

Instructional Goals.

Implications for Learning Professionals.

Chapter 6: Learning from Experience.

Follow the Leaders.

Case-Study Format and Questions.

Case 1: Diversity and Inclusion with Virtual Worlds.

Case 2: Experiencing an Inventory Observation.

Case 3: Re-Creating the Kristallnacht Experience.

Case 4: Virtual First-Responder Learning Experience.

Case 5: Virtual Border Service Officer Training.

Case 6: Teaching Rhetoric in a Virtual Environment.

Case 7: Environmental Science in a Virtual Green Home.

Case 8: Creating a Virtual Challenge for Global Graduates.

Case 9: Hosting Virtual Academy of Technology Events.

Part III: Breaking New Ground.

Chapter 7: Overcoming Being Addled by ADDIE.

Avoiding the Virtual Ghost Town.

Development Team.

Design Points for Virtual Learning Worlds.

Leveraging the ADDIE Model.

Step-by-Step Designing Process.

Working with a Third-Party Virtual World Vendor.

Lessons from the Front Line: How Early Adopters Achieve and Measure Success, by Erica Driver and Sam Driver, Co-Founders and Principals, ThinkBalm.

Implications for Trainers and Educators.

Chapter 8: Steps to Successful Enterprise Adoption.


Diffusion of Innovations.

Crafting the Business of Education Case for VIEs.

Implementation Considerations.

Implications for Learning Professionals.

Chapter 9: Rules from Revolutionaries.

Meet the Revolutionaries.

Essay Format and Questions.

Essay 1, by Steve Mahaley, Duke Corporation Education.

Essay 2, by Karen Keeter, IBM.

Essay 3, by Brian Bauer, Étape.

Essay 4, by John Hengeveld, Intel.

Rules for Revolutionaries.

Part IV: Just Beyond the Horizon.

Chapter 10: Back to the Future.


Moving from 2D to 3D.

3D Learning Maturity Model.


Campfire 3.0—The Next Generation Collaboration and Workspace, by Chuck Hamilton, Virtual Learning Strategy, IBM Center for Advanced Learning.

Learning to Be 3D in 2020, by Randy J. Hinrichs.

Appendix: Defining Learning in a 3D Virtual Space.


Convergence of Existing Technologies.

Defining Virtual Worlds.





About the Authors.

About the Contributors.
