Educating Nurses: A Call for Radical Transformation
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More About This Title Educating Nurses: A Call for Radical Transformation


Praise for Educating Nurses

"This book represents a call to arms, a call for nursing educators and programs to step up in our preparation of nurses. This book will incite controversy, wonderful debate, and dialogue among nurses and others. It is a must-read for every nurse educator and for every nurse that yearns for nursing to acknowledge and reach for the real difference that nursing can make in safety and quality in health care."
Beverly Malone, chief executive officer, National League for Nursing

"This book describes specific steps that will enable a new system to improve both nursing formation and patient care. It provides a timely and essential element to health care reform."
David C. Leach, former executive director, Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education

"The ideas about caregiving developed here make a profoundly philosophical and intellectually innovative contribution to medicine as well as all healing professions, and to anyone concerned with ethics. This groundbreaking work is both paradigm-shifting and delightful to read."
Jodi Halpern, author, From Detached Concern to Empathy: Humanizing Medical Practice

"This book is a landmark work in professional education! It is a must-read for all practicing and aspiring nurse educators, administrators, policy makers, and, yes, nursing students."
Christine A. Tanner, senior editor, Journal of Nursing Education

"This work has profound implications for nurse executives and frontline managers."
Eloise Balasco Cathcart, coordinator, Graduate Program in Nursing Administration, New York University


Patricia Benner directs The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching's Study of Nursing Education and is professor emerita at the University of California, San Francisco School of Nursing. She is a nursing educator and author of From Novice to Expert: Excellence and Power in Nursing Practice and other notable books on nursing practice and education.

Molly Sutphen is on the faculty at the University of California, San Francisco and codirector of ?The Carnegie Foundation's Study of Nursing Education. She is a historian who has published widely on nursing education and the history of international health.

Victoria Leonard is a former nurse educator in maternal child nursing and health policy. Currently, she is a family nurse practitioner and child care health consultant at the UCSF California Childcare Health Program.

Lisa Day is a former nurse educator in critical care, acute care nursing, and ethics. Currently, she is a clinical nurse specialist for neuroscience and critical care at UCSF Medical Center. She authors the ethics column for the American Journal of Critical Care.


Foreword ix

Acknowledgments xv

The Authors xix

Introduction 1

PART ONE Transformation, Crisis, and Opportunity 17

1. A Profession Transformed 19

2. Teaching and Learning in Clinical Situations 41

3. Teaching and Learning in the Classroom and Skills Lab 63

4. A New Approach to Nursing Education 81

PART TWO Teaching for a Sense of Salience 93

5. Paradigm Case: Diane Pestolesi, Practitioner and Teacher 97

6. Strategies for Teaching for a Sense of Salience 109

PART THREE Integrative Teaching for Clinical Imagination 127

7. Paradigm Case: Lisa Day, Classroom and Clinical Instructor 131

8. Developing a Clinical Imagination 143

9. Connecting Classroom and Clinical Through Integrative Teaching and Learning 155

PART FOUR Teaching for Moral Imagination 165

10. Paradigm Case: Sarah Shannon, Nurse Ethicist 169

11. Being a Nurse 177

12. Formation from a Critical Stance 201

PART FIVE A Call for Radical Transformation 211

13. Improving Nursing Education at the Program Level 215

Appendix: Methods for the Carnegie National Nursing Education Study 231

References 239

Index 249
