Managing Performance in Construction
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More About This Title Managing Performance in Construction


Construction is the country's single largest manufacturing industry. However, it is a sector that lacks benchmarks against which to gauge performance. This modern thinking intends to provide insight to construction productivity improvement. Taking cues from manufacturing sectors such as computer, automobile and chemical companies, this book will apply the lessons learned to building construction. Supported with a range of pedagogical devices, the book will be of equal value to construction managers and civil engineers, and students with different learning methods.


Leonhard E. Bernold, Ph.D., Raleigh, North Carolina Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, North Carolina State University. Director of the Construction Automation and Robotics Laboratory, North Carolina State University.

Simaan M. AbouRizk, PE, PhD, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada; NSERC/Alberta Construction Industry Research Professor, University of Alberta. Executive Board member, Construction Research Institute of Canada.



Chapter 1: Indicators of an Industry in Transition.

1.1 Interoperability Barriers are Breaking.

1.2 Construction Becomes Sustainable.

1.3 E-Construction Management.

1.4 Linking up to Smart Construction Equipment.

1.5 Highly Successful Engineering Managers.

1.6 Chapter Review.

Chapter 2: Productivity in the Spotlight.

2.1 Measuring National Productivity.

2.2 Basic Relationships Effecting Productivity.

2.3 Factors Related to Process Productivity.

2.4 Taxonomy of Work Time.

2.5 Gauging Construction Process Efficiency.

2.6 Identifying Critical Impact Factors.

2.7 Chapter Review.

Chapter 3: Corner Stones of Efficient Site Operation.

3.1 Loss and Revival of the Master-Builder.

3.2 Planning the (Re-) Supply of the Construction Process.

3.3 Top-Down Frameworks to Manage Projects.

3.4 Bottom-Up Quantitative Planning.

3.5 Synchronization of Processes in The Supply Chain.

3.6 Chapter Review.

Chapter Four: Introduction to simulation and its use in modeling production systems.

4.1 Building Simulation Models.

4.2 Chapter Review.

Chapter Five: A case study -- Applying simulation in tunnel construction.

5.1 Project background.

5.2 Preparation work - understanding the construction process.

Shaft Construction.

Tunnel Construction.

5.3 Developing the simulation model.

Assumptions and input.

Simulation Model.

5.4 Run the Model and derive results.

5.5 Analysis of the operation.

Chapter Review.

Chapter 6: Competencies That Drive the Company.

6.1 Generic Work Competencies for the 21 Century.

6.2 Managerial Competences of Productive Organizations.

6.3 Gaining Competence Through Learning and Training.

6.4 Job-Oriented Training and Competence Development.

6.5 Becoming a Learning Organization (LO).

6.6 Chapter Review.


Chapter 7: Productive in a Healthy and Safe Work Environment.

7.1 Two Strains Press on the Health of a Productive Body.

7.2 The Engine That Supports and Limits Human Work.

7.3 Ergonomics in Construction.

7.4 A Modern Debilitating Disease: Job Stress.

7.5 The Silent Epidemic: Workplace Harassment.

7.6 Chapter Review.

Chapter 8: The Complexity of Human Motivation.

8.1 Background.

8.2 Behavioral Aspects of the Human Mind.

8.3 Intrinsic versus Extrinsic Motivation.

8.4 Maslow’s Need Based Motivators.

8.5 Vroom’s Expectancy Theory.

8.6 Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory.

8.7 Measuring Job Satisfaction.

8.8 Job Enrichment.

8.9 Chapter Review.

Chapter 9: Performance Factors of Leaders and Teams.

9.1 Is a Manager also a Leader?

9.2 Theories About Effective Leadership.

9.3 Power and Problems of Teamwork.

9.4 Basics About Creativity.

9.5 Chapter Review.


Chapter 10: Communication - The Nerve System of Construction.

10.1 Engineering Drawings - the Ancient Communication Media.

10.2 Communication Strategies Employed by Organizations.

10.3 Logistics of Project Information.

10.4 Chapter Review.

Key Terms and Terminologies.

Chapter 11: Performance Management.

11.1 Historical Recount of Key Management Concepts.

11.2 From Measuring to Managing Performance.

11.3 The Balanced Scorecard of a Corporation.

11.4 Performance Management of Supply Chain.

11.5 Performance Management at the Task Level.

11.6 Chapter Review.

