Professional WebGL Programming - Developing 3DGraphics for the Web
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More About This Title Professional WebGL Programming - Developing 3DGraphics for the Web


Everything you need to know about developing hardware-accelerated 3D graphics with WebGL!

As the newest technology for creating 3D graphics on the web, in both games, applications, and on regular websites, WebGL gives web developers the capability to produce eye-popping graphics. This book teaches you how to use WebGL to create stunning cross-platform apps. The book features several detailed examples that show you how to develop 3D graphics with WebGL, including explanations of code snippets that help you understand the why behind the how.

You will also develop a stronger understanding of WebGL development from coverage that:

•Provides a comprehensive overview of WebGL and shows how it relates to other graphics-related technologies
•Addresses important topics such as the WebGL graphics pipeline, 3D transformations, texturing and lighting
•Teaches you how to write vertex shaders and fragment shaders for WebGL
•Includes a lot of useful guidelines, tips, and tricks for WebGL performance optimizations

Professional WebGL Programming is the first book on the market to delve into this fascinating topic and it puts you on your way to mastering the possibilities that exist with WebGL.




Andreas Anyuru is a Senior Member of Technical Staff at ST-Ericsson, specializing in Web Technologies. He is experienced in developing web graphics and has worked with implementation and optimization of WebGL and many other web technologies for Linux-based mobile platforms.

Wrox Professional guides are written by working developers to address everyday needs. They provide examples, practical solutions, and expert education in new technologies, all designed to help programmers do a better job.


Introduction xxl


The Basics of WebGL 1

So Why Is WebGL So Great? 2

Designing a Graphics API 3

An Immediate-Mode API 3

A Retained-Mode API 4

An Overview of Graphics Hardware 4


FrameBuffer 5

Texture Memory 7

Video Controller 7

Understanding the WebGL Graphics Pipeline 7

Vertex Shader 8

Primitive Assembly 12

Rasterization 14

Fragment Shader 14

Per Fragment Operations 17

Comparing WebGL to Other Graphics Technologies 19

OpenGL 19

OpenGL ES 2.0 21

Direct3D 23

HTML5 Canvas 24

Scalable Vector Graphics 28

VRML and X3D 30

Linear Algebra for 3D Graphics 31

Coordinate System 31

Points or Vertices 31

Vectors 32

Dot Product or Scalar Product 33

Cross Product 34

Homogeneous Coordinates 35

Matrices 35

Affine Transformations 38

Summary 44


Drawing a Triangle 46

Creating the WebGL Context 49

Creating the Vertex Shader and the Fragment Shader 51

Compiling the Shaders 52

Creating the Program Object and Linking the Shaders 53

Setting Up the Buffers 54

Drawing the Scene 56

Understanding the WebGL Coding Style 57

Debugging Your WebGL Application 58

Using Chrome Developer Tools 58

Using Firebug 65

WebGL Error Handling and Error Codes 67

WebGL Inspector 70

Troubleshooting WebGL 76

Using the DOM API to Load Your Shaders 78

Putting It Together in a Slightly More Advanced Example 80

Experimenting with Code 83

Summary 84


WebGL Drawing Primitives and Drawing Methods 86

Primitives 86

Understanding the Importance of Winding Order 91

WebGL’s Drawing Methods 93

Typed Arrays 99

Buffer and View 100

Supported View Types 101

Exploring Different Ways to Draw 102

gl.drawArrays() and gl.TRIANGLES 103

gl.drawArrays() and gl.TRIANGLE_STRIP 105

gl.drawElements() and gl.TRIANGLES 106

gl.drawElements() and gl.TRIANGLE_STRIP 108

Conclusions of the Comparison 111

Pre-Transform Vertex Cache and Post-Transform Vertex Cache 111

Interleaving Your Vertex Data for Improved Performance 114

Using an Array of Structures 115

Using a Vertex Array or Constant Vertex Data 123

A Last Example to Wind Things Up 124

Some Things to Experiment With 134

Summary 134


Working with Matrices and Vectors in JavaScript 138

Sylvester 139

WebGL-mjs 142

glMatrix 146

Using Transformations 150

How Transformations Are Used 150

Understanding the Complete Transformation Pipeline 157

Getting Practical with Transformations 158

Setting Up Buffers with Object Coordinates 159

Creating Transformation Matrices with JavaScript and Uploading Them to the Shader 160

Uploading the Transformation Matrices to the Vertex Shader in the GPU 161

Calling Your Drawing Methods 162

Understanding the Importance of Transformation Order 162

Using a Grand, Fixed Coordinate System 163

Using a Moving, Local Coordinate System 165

Pushing and Popping Transformation Matrices 167

A Complete Example: Drawing Several Transformed Objects 171

Creating a Cube with WebGL 173

Organization of the View Transformation and the Model Transformation 175

Summary 176


Understanding Lost Context 178

Understanding the Setup Required to Handle Lost Context 179

Factors to Consider When Handling Lost Context 181

Introducing 2D Textures and Cubemap Textures 183

Loading Your Textures 185

Creating a WebGLTexture Object 185

Binding Your Texture 185

Loading the Image Data 186

Uploading the Texture to the GPU 187

Specifying Texture Parameters 189

Understanding the Complete Procedure of Loading a Texture 190

Defi ning Your Texture Coordinates 193

Using Your Textures in Shaders 195

Working with Texture Image Units 197

Working with Texture Filtering 198

Understanding Magnifi cation 199

Understanding Minifi cation 200

Understanding Mipmapping 200

Understanding Texture Coordinate Wrapping 203

Using the gl.REPEAT Wrap Mode 203

Using the gl.MIRRORED_REPEAT Wrap Mode 205

Using the gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE Wrap Mode 206

A Complete Texture Example 207

Using Images for Your Textures 210

Downloading Free Textures 210

Basing Textures on Your Own Photos 211

Drawing Images 211

Buying Textures 211

Understanding Same-Origin Policy and Cross-Origin Resource Sharing 212

Understanding Same-Origin Policy for Images in General 212

Understanding Same-Origin Policy for Textures 214

Understanding Cross-Origin Resource Sharing 215

Summary 217


Animating the Scene 219

Using setInterval() and setTimeout() 221

Using requestAnimationFrame() 222

Compensating Movement for Different Frame Rates 225

Creating an FPS Counter to Measure the Smoothness of Your Animation 226

Understanding the Disadvantages of Using FPS as a Measurement 228

Event Handling for User Interaction 230

Basic Event Handling with DOM Level 0 231

Advanced Event Handling with DOM Level 2 232

Key Input 234

Mouse Input 239

Applying Your New Knowledge 240

Summary 246


Understanding Light 249

Working with a Local Lighting Model 250

Understanding the Phong Reflection Model 251

Ambient Reflection 252

Diff use Reflection 253

Specular Reflection 255

Understanding the Complete Equation and Shaders for the Phong Reflection Model 259

Using Lighting with Texturing 263

Understanding the JavaScript Code Needed for WebGL Lighting 267

Setting Up Buffers with Vertex Normals 268

Calculating and Uploading the Normal Matrix to the Shader 270

Uploading the Light Information to the Shader 270

Using Different Interpolation Techniques for Shading 271

Flat Shading 272

Gouraud Shading 273

Phong Shading 274

Understanding the Vectors That Must Be Normalized 278

Normalization in the Vertex Shader 278

Normalization in the Fragment Shader 279

Using Different Types of Lights 279

Directional Lights 280

Point Lights 280

Spot Lights 281

Understanding the Attenuation of Light 284

Understanding Light Mapping 288

Summary 289


WebGL under the Hood 292

Hardware that Powers WebGL 292

Key Software Components 294

WebGL Performance Optimizations 296

Avoiding a Typical Beginner’s Mistake 296

Locating the Bottleneck 298

General Performance Advice 302

Performance Advice for CPU-Limited WebGL 305

Performance Advice for Vertex-Limited WebGL 307

Performance Advice for Pixel-Limited WebGL 308

A Closer Look at Blending 310

Introducing Blending 310

Setting the Blending Functions 311

Understanding Drawing Order and the Depth Buffer 314

Drawing a Scene with Both Opaque and Semi-Transparent Objects 315

Changing the Default Operator for the Blend Equation 315

Using Premultiplied Alpha 316

Taking WebGL Further 317

Using WebGL Frameworks 317

Publishing to the Google Chrome Web Store 318

Using Additional Resources 318

Summary 319

Index 321

