Medicinal Natural Products - A BiosyntheticApproach 3e
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More About This Title Medicinal Natural Products - A BiosyntheticApproach 3e


Medicinal Natural Products: A Biosynthetic Approach, Third Edition, provides a comprehensive and balanced introduction to natural products from a biosynthetic perspective, focussing on the metabolic sequences leading to various classes of natural products. The book builds upon fundamental chemical principles and guides the reader through a wealth of diverse natural metabolites with particular emphasis on those used in medicine.

There have been rapid advances in biosynthetic understanding over the past decade through enzymology, gene isolation and genetic engineering. Medicinal Natural Products has been extended and fully updated in this new edition to reflect and explain these developments and other advances in the field. It retains the user-friendly style and highly acclaimed features of previous editions:

  • a comprehensive treatment of plant, microbial, and animal natural products in one volume
  • extensive use of chemical schemes with annotated mechanistic explanations
  • cross-referencing to emphasize links and similarities
  • boxed topics giving further details of medicinal materials, covering sources, production methods, use as drugs, semi-synthetic derivatives and synthetic analogues, and modes of action

Medicinal Natural Products: A Biosynthetic Approach, Third Edition, is an invaluable textbook for students of pharmacy, pharmacognosy, medicinal chemistry, biochemistry and natural products chemistry.


Dr Paul M Dewick, Formerly of the School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Nottingham, UK (now retired).
Paul Dewick is the author of Medicinal Natural Products: A Biosynthetic Approach, and Essentials of Organic Chemistry: For Students of Pharmacy, Medicinal Chemistry and Biological Chemistry (Wiley, 2006).


"Students should be empowered for a deductive analysis of the presented substances." (Arzneimittelforschung, December 2009)

"This new edition is an excellent text that is unrivaled in both its scope and overall coverage of natural products biosynthesis." (Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, August 2009)

"There is no question that this is the best book available on the biosynthesis and bio-organic chemistry of medicinally important natural products." (Education in Chemistry, September 2009)
