Enhancing Me - The Hope and the Hype of HumanEnhancement
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More About This Title Enhancing Me - The Hope and the Hype of HumanEnhancement


Science is developing more and more potential for human beings to enhance themselves. The pace of change is rapid, and some people are already warning that we are heading for a post-human future populated by ever-lasting, self-sustaining intelligence systems into which the contents of a human mind have been poured...

Is this true? In Enhancing Me, Pete Moore examines the ways in which technology can change our bodies, our brains, our emotions, and how long we live. He talks to people who have actually been 'enhanced' to find out what it's like and how beneficial it is; and to the experts to find out what the future holds - including a look at some of the more controversial, headline-grabbing claims.  He also looks at what drives us to want to be 'superhuman', and the consequences for the individual and society alike:

If you could live forever, would you want to?If you could download your mind onto a computer, would you still be you?Should we insert chips into our children, so we can track where they are?Should we force violent criminals to have mood-controlling brain implants?Would you want technology to improve your memory… or help you forget?

If you've ever wondered - or worried - about the pace at which technology is progressing, then this book will give you an eye-opening glimpse of the future in this fascinating field.

About the author
Pete Moore has been a freelance science writer since 1993, and specialises in making 'academish' intelligible to people who only speak English! He has received seven national awards for his work, and has appeared on radio and television on 50 different occasions, discussing his books and related news events. He is a public speaker and a member of Toastmasters International; as well as a fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, a visiting lecturer in ethics at Trinity College Bristol, and a course tutor on the Science Communication MSc at the University of the West of England, Bristol.



Peter Moore has been a freelance science writer since 1993, and Specialises in making 'academish' intelligible to people who only speak English! He's received six national awards for his work, and has made numerous appearances on radio and television. Pete is also a public speaker and a member of toastmasters International, as well as a fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, a visiting lecturer in ethics at Trinity College Bristol, and a course tutor on the Science Communication MSc at the University of the West of England, Bristol.



Section I: Longer Than Life.

1. Techno Fixes.

2. Maintain and Repair.

3. Uploading.

Section II: Brighter Than Life.

4. Let's Stretch.

5. In Touch with the Brain.

6. Maxing Memory.

Section III: Better Than Life.

7. Conformity in Enhancement.

8. Adding Technology.

9. Better and Beyond.

Section IV: Faster Than Life.

10. Restoring Function.

11. Doping - Drugs and Genes.

12. Sporting Superhumans.

Section V: Hype or Hope?



"...examines different possibilities of human enhancement...looks at technical issues, philosophical issues, and towards the super human" (BBC Focus, September 2008)

"A thoughtful and thought provoking book." (PopularScience.co.uk)
