Organizations Don't Tweet, People Do - A Manager's Guide to the Social Web
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  • Wiley

More About This Title Organizations Don't Tweet, People Do - A Manager's Guide to the Social Web


Practical advice for managers on how the Web and social media can help them to do their jobs better

Today's managers are faced with an increasing use of the Web and social platforms by their staff, their customers, and their competitors, but most aren't sure quite what to do about it or how it all relates to them. Organizations Don't Tweet, People Do provides managers in all sorts of organizations, from governments to multinationals, with practical advice, insight and inspiration on how the Web and social tools can help them to do their jobs better. From strategy to corporate communication, team building to customer relations, this uniquely people-centric guide to social media in the workplace offers managers, at all levels, valuable insights into the networked world as it applies to their challenges as managers, and it outlines practical things they can do to make social media integral to the tone and tenor of their departments or organizational cultures.

  • A long-overdue guide to social media that talks directly to people in the real world in which they work
  • Grounded in the author's unparalleled experience consulting on social media, it features eye-opening accounts from some of the world's most successful and powerful organizations
  • Gives managers at all levels and in every type of organization the context and the confidence to make better decisions about the social web and its impact on them


Euan Semple is one of the few people in the world who can turn the complex world of the social web into something we can understand. And , at the same time, learn how to get the most from it.

Ten years ago, while working in a senior position at the BBC, Euan was one of the first to introduce what have since become known as social media tools into a large, successful organisation. He has subsequently had five years of unparalleled experience working with organisation such as Nokia, The World Bank and NATO.

He is a one-man digital upgrade option for us all to download.

This world is changing fast, but he makes sense of it because he understands that the core basics remain the same: community, learning, and interaction. he is a maser story-teller who offers a host of practical tales about how this new world can work for real people in the real world.


Foreword by Andrew McAfee ix

Introduction 1

1. We All Need to Grow Up 5

2. Ten Steps to Success with Technology 9

3. The Ultimate in Democracy 15

4. Leaving a Trace 21

5. Evolution on Steroids 27

6. “Writing Ourselves into Existence” 33

7. Literacy Re-discovered 39

8. Mass Illiteracy 45

9. Stating the Obvious 51

10. Volume Control on Mob Rule 57

11. Dealing with a Boss Who Doesn’t “Get It” 63

12. The More You Give the More You Get 69

13. “Ooh, That’s Interesting” 73

14. The Network of Networks 79

15. Real Leaders Have Followers 85

16. Real Friends 91

17. Too Much of a Good Thing 97

18. Globally Distributed Conversations 103

19. Conversations Can Only Take Place Between Equals 109

20. Management by Being Interested 115

21. Asking the Right Questions 123

22. The Meaning of True Collaboration 129

23. War of the Worlds 135

24. The Inside is Becoming the Outside 141

25. Your Staff are Your Best Advocates 145

26. Creatively Messy 151

27. Innovation and the Forces of Disruption 157

28. No Such Thing as Conscripts 163

29. Heading into the Great Unknown 169

30. Be Strategically Tactical 175

31. Back to Front ROI 181

32. The Price of Pomposity 187

33. Managing the Mess 193

34. We Need More Rubbish 199

35. Lines in the Sand 205

36. Small Pieces Loosely Joined 211

37. Unleash Your Trojan Mice 217

38. Don’t Feed the Trolls 223

39. When the Shit Hits the Fan 229

40. Crisis Management 235

41. The Best Way to be Safe is to be Open 241

42. Radical Transparency 247

43. The Revolution is Within 253

44. It’s Your Party . . . 257

45. A Final Word 263

A Note About Technology 267

Reading List 271

About Euan Semple 273

Index 275
