Naked Objects
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  • Wiley

More About This Title Naked Objects


Naked Objects is a radical approach that exposes the core business objects directly to the user, instead of masking them behind a task-oriented user interface. This invaluable book describes the business case for designing systems this way, outlines a lightweight methodology that you can adopt, and provides a short tutorial.
* Defines "Naked Objects"-an Open Source toolkit for prototyping expressive systems that you can freely download
* Covers theory and practice, and includes several real-life illustrations of Naked Objects in practice
* Contains all the information necessary to construct a Naked Objects project


Richard Pawson is a Research Fellow with Computer Sciences Corporation, specialising in object-oriented techniques and agile software development.

Robert Matthews is a freelance software architect and Java developer. He is the principal author of the Naked Objects framework.

They are the co-founders of




Version information.

1.  A critical look at object-orientation.

A brief history of objects.

Five practices that separate procedure and data.

Defining a new approach.

Case study: Government benefits processing.

2.  Introducing 'naked objects'.

The Naked Objects framework.

The benefits of naked objects.

Frequently Asked Questions.  

3. Programming with Naked Objects.

The anatomy of a naked object.

Making the objects available to the user.

Building a multi-user system.

Enriching object behaviours.

Writing tests.

Case study: Retail marketing and pricing.

4.  A development process.

The exploration phase.

The specification phase.

The delivery phase.

Case study: Arrears and collections.

5.  Extending Naked Objects.

Additional documentation available on our website.

Some ways in which Naked Objects could be extended.

Will naked o bject systems scale?

Case study: Energy trading.

Appendix A: Getting started.

Appendix B: Code example.

Apendix C: Cliché code.

Appendix D: Icon library.




" excellent presentation of the subject...good internet support for the book..." (Cvu, December 2002)

"…the authors have done a great job of cramming what I would consider to be all the relevant information required into the aforementioned 265 pages…" (M2 Best Books, 12 February 2003)

"…the style and format of the book is very appealing and the explanations are clear…" (Computer Bulletin, July 2003)
