Inside the Patent Factory - The EssentialReference for Effective and Efficient Managementof Patent Creation
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  • Wiley

More About This Title Inside the Patent Factory - The EssentialReference for Effective and Efficient Managementof Patent Creation


The book is a coaching guide for anyone interested in intellectual property and those wanting to embark on or develop patent creation. It draws on the authors’ extensive experience and insights from change projects, management and leadership at Nokia.

The book guides the reader through each stage of setting up a successful unit, inviting active involvement by asking vital questions about their needs and aims. Focusing on key issues and themes involved, it provides examples, diagrams and models to illustrate how they can be out in to practice. Critical chapters include the core activities of patent creation, possible organisational models, costs, quality and the comparison of external and internal allocation of tasks. Discussion concentrates on how to such define roles and responsibilities and the management techniques of external resources.

The book encourages the reader to challenge their current organisational structure and strategy by introducing various methods and tactics that can be deployed when considering patent creation, then offering advice into the pros and cons of techniques and how such methods can be assessed. 

The book highlights how knowledge and innovation can be utilised and protected, which due to the increased importance of intellectual property rights, especially the use of patents, is essential for every business.


Donal O'Connell is a Director o IPR at Nokia. He has extensive experience in the wireless telecommunications industry across the world. Responsible for the leadership and management of one complete Nokia R&D centre in Texas from 1997 to 2003, growing the site from scratch to over 600 engineers, he has much experience of growing and developing teams, handling change projects and designing and launching successful products. Donal led a major change project within Nokia IPR and he is extremely well networked within R&D, IPR and Environmental Fields.


Foreword by Urho Ilmonen.



1. Introduction.

2. Building a Strategy.

3. Why Patent?

4. Invention Harvesting.

5. Core Activities of Patent Creation.

6. The Inventor Community.

7. Other Key Interfaces.

8. Organising your Patent Factory.

9. The Management of External Patent Agencies.

10. Metrics.

11. Quality.

12. Patent Cost Management.

13. Processes and Tools.

14. Benchmarking.

15. Changes.

16. Conclusion.


