Ghost of Bud Parrott
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"I was on my way back to Newport to find the grave of the old black man I last saw in the summer of fifty -three."
After a successful career in St. Louis, Missouri-and a near-death experience-a man returns to Newport, Arkansas, the hometown of his youth. As he leaves the interstate and points his black Mercedes onto the old two-la ne highway he glides past boarded-up general stores, hawks on fence posts where Burma Shave signs once h ng, cinderblock tourist courts, their swimming pools choked with honeysuckle and thistle. Speed brings him straight back to a chapter of his early life that he thought he had forgotten forever. He comes to a stop in his own child hood, or at least the weathered remains of it, a child hood clouded by a sad, worn-out mother and towered over by his alcoholic father, both now gone. His mind is still speeding when he sets the emergency brake at his destination, the grave of an old black man who always seemed to be on hand when trouble threatened.


JUDSON N. HOUT grew up in Newport, Arkansas, in the 1940s and '50s. He earned a medical degree at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences and has practiced medicine on military bases and in communities in Oklahoma, Louisiana and Arkansas. Throughout his adult life Dr. Hout has filled many roles as a lay leader in Episcopal and Methodist Churches. This is his third book publication, his first published work of fiction. He currently lives in Camden, Arkansas with his wife, Carolyn.


An engaging and sure•to•raise eyebrows Southern coming-of-age novel by an experienced and sensitive author.
- Billy D. Higgins, author of The Barling Darling: Hal Smith in American Baseball