Hanging with daddy
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  • Ready To Daddy Products UG
  • Ready To Daddy Products UG

More About This Title Hanging with daddy


Yesterday was later than planned? The last beer was bad? Are you tired and hungover, but your child is wide awake, full of energy and wants to play?
This book is your salvation: 40 original game ideas for all ages between 0 and 6 years. And best of all, you can stay in bed or on the couch while you have a happy time together. And by the way, you can strengthen your father-child bond. All games are lovingly and detailed illustrated and can be played without much effort or preparation. Games that quickly become beloved rituals - and of course can also be played without a hangover. Born out of necessity, developed with a lot of passion by dads for dads, supported by experienced educators and specialists. We wish you a good rest and lots of fun reading, exploring and playing!

Link to Amazon: https://www.amazon.de/Kater-Vater-Papa-Kind-Spiele-%C3%BCberm%C3%BCdete-hellwache/dp/3000702571/ref=sr_1_1?__mk_de_DE=%C3%85M%C3%85%C5%BD%C3%95%C3%91&crid=2E71XJL8ESEGI&keywords=katervater&qid=1679934992&sprefix=katervater%2Caps%2C118&sr=8-1

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