Juhayna - Part 1
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  • Nahdet Misr Publishing House

More About This Title Juhayna - Part 1


Juhayna, the city of oddities and wondrous events.. An interesting series in 3 parts full of adventures.. After which you will see the world differently!!

What will you do when you see your dead body in front of you?
Yes, as I read, your corpse is in front of you... lying on the ground, murdered.
And you are not a ghost.. but you are alive and providing sustenance..
Except that you are standing next to your murdered corpse.
What are you going to do?.. Are you going to tell the police like I did?
I do not advise you to do so.. More complicated and much more strange things will happen to you..
Read my story and enjoy my journey in ""Juhayna""...
That small city.. which deservedly deserved the title “City of Curiosities”