A Plague of Stars
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Con Torres is a physician with Doctors Without Borders — hundreds of years in the future. When his spaceship crash lands on the planet Vatkan, he and the other two survivors are quickly captured and placed into a POW camp and forced into hard labor. The head of the Vatkan military research division plans to use him and his fellow survivor, ship captain Paul Levin, as guinea pigs for his biological warfare experiments to create the prophesied “Plague of Stars.” Meanwhile, the other survivor, Valeya, becomes a political pawn between the Vatkan leadership and a resistance group trying to overthrow the government. Con and Paul must try to escape the POW camp, rescue Val and get the hell off Vatkan.


Mark Terry is the author of more than 20 books, including the popular Derek Stillwater thrillers. His novel THE FALLEN was the winner of The National Best Books 2010 Awards for Thriller/Adventure and his novel THE VALLEY OF SHADOWS was a finalist for the same award in 2011. His books have been translated into French, German and Slovak. He is also the author of over 1,000 magazine and trade journal articles. He is an in-demand ghostwriter for fiction and nonfiction, and writes fiction in the thriller, fantasy, and crime genres for adults and kids. Visit his website at www.markterrybooks.com.

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