The Statistics and Calculus with Python Workshop
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More About This Title The Statistics and Calculus with Python Workshop


The Statistics and Calculus with Python Workshop is ideal for those who need a refresher in the mathematics that make the practical applications of modern artificial intelligence possible. Starting with foundational mathematical concepts like functions and matrices, the book covers the entire spectrum of calculus and statistics, teaching you the techniques you need to solve mathematical challenges with Python and AI.


"Peter Farrell learned to program from the Logo code in Seymour Papert’s Mindstorms. In 2015, he self-published Hacking Math Class with Python on applying Python programming to learning and teaching high-school math.

Alvaro Fuentes is a senior data scientist with a background in applied mathematics and economics.

Ajinkya Sudhir Kolhe is a programmer working for a tech company in the Bay area.

Quan Nguyen is a data scientist and Python enthusiast.

Alexander Joseph Sarver is an ambitious data scientist and content creator with 6 years of math teaching experience.

Marios Tsatsos has 8+ years of experience in research in Physics, analytical thinking, modeling, problem-solving, and decision making."