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March 2179. Former Navy Captain Vilma Bates is interrogated by the Bureau of Interstellar Investigations about a former mission in command of the Lewis & Clark, a commercial explorer.
During this mission, she and her crew had the mission to find the two Interstellar probes, Voyager 1 and Voyager 2, sent into space in 1977, long before the Reboot, which erased all digital data on Earth. Unfortunately, the success of their task was obstructed by a number of problems that had created tensions in the ship. The video disks carried by the spacecraft have disappeared. Who took them away? And for what reason? These questions will push them further into the universe.
The arrival of mysterious Professor Medan on board the ship will make things worse. He and Captain Bates seem to share a vital secret about the messages carried by the spacecraft. Badger, the devious engineer, will challenge the captain’s command. Even Chip, the ship’s
AI chimpanzee, won’t be able to soften all the opposing personalities among the crew.

The Author
Stéphane Desienne lives on the banks of the Loire, the last wild river in Europe, it is said. He has been a science fiction enthusiast since a very young age and is influenced by the dark side of technology, exobiology and survival themes. Since anything can happen in the future, it is not the worst that terrifies us, but the anticipation of it.

Selling Points
- Finalist of the Aventuriales award 2020.
- Commercial Sci-Fi, very well written, not overly technical, and which takes up current themes about climate, pollution, the great powers and the domination of the rich countries over others.
- A special place is given to female characters with a crucial role to play."