Love Joy Trump
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This book is a game changer for those who are fearful about the future. Are you, or a friend or family member concerned that Donald Trump might be a bad man or even evil? After all, the media seems to blame him for everything. Maybe it is time to learn who this man really is without the negativity of what he calls the "fake news." For a growing number of people, Donald Trump is a much beloved figure and a world-class leader. But if your viewing is limited to the mainstream media, you might never know this. Love Joy Trump: A Chorus of Prophetic Voices is a collection of prophecies made by real prophets including Kim Clement, Amanda Grace, and thinkers like Mike Lindell of My Pillow--who frequently receive messages, visions and direct knowledge from God. These prophets are from a variety of traditions, but they all agree that this business mogul and one-time playboy was anointed by God to lead us in a fight against evil forces and people. While you may have heard Donald Trump talk about draining the swamp, not everyone is aware of just how much swamp there is to drain and how many extremely evil swamp creatures there are. Fortunately, with Donald Trump we have a leader with the toughness and the spiritual fortitude to take on this epic battle. But while we are battling, we are also living in amazing times at the beginning of a new millennium of worldwide peace, innovation and advanced technologies. However, in order to enact God's plan for us, we need to do our part by supporting President Trump's leadership.


BethAnon is a wife, mother, grandmother, lover of God. She has traveled the world and enjoyed a life of incredible beauty and appreciation. Beth is a lover of books, a person who makes the effort to search a matter out, and a lover of truth. This is what brought her to dive into everything Trump in 2015, when she first heard of The Trump Prophecies by Mark Taylor. This search became a relentless pursuit, guided by God, to connect all of the prophecies that she could find about Trump from all over the world. In 2017, with the appearance of the Great Awakening, her immersion only grew stronger. What started out as a search for the real Donald John Trump, quickly became a fight for our religious freedom and freedom in general, with the threat of socialism/communism rising against the American people. As we come up to this election to restore our Republic, we must stand in our authentic divinity against the beast system, in all its manifestations. Donald Trump is chosen by God for this time, to lead the charge for the Restoration of our Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. As America regains her Sovereignty, the rest of the world will follow and that is why people all over the world are praying for President Trump. After the swamp is drained it is time for peace on earth. Amen Selah.


Foreword, Amanda Grace ix
Foreword, Mike Lindell xi
Introduction, BethAnon 1
Recurring Theme, BethAnon 7
Destiny of Donald John Trump, BethAnon 11
An Italian Connection, Father Giacomo Capoverdi 15
God and Donald Trump, Prophetess Nita Johnson 17
Trump Revelation, Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj 21
Beloved Prophet, Kim Clement 25
Hebrides Revival, BethAnon 35
Kindred Putin, BethAnon 39
Donald Trump, Popping like Popcorn!, Elisheva Elijah (Eliyahu) 43
The Trump Card for Israel, Stephen Powell 57
A Prophecy from Sydney, Australia, Matthew Robert Payne 87
Transformation, Jorge Parrott 89
Birthing Clarity, Lana Vawser 95
Victorious Trump, Veronika West 109
Bulldozer, John Paul Jackson 129
Repentance, Cindy Deville 131
Protection & Strength, Todd Roe 133
Wedding Cake, Cynthia Kennedy 135
King Cobra & the Mongoose, Crystal Lyons 137
Magnificent Bull, Alveda King 139
True Grit: The Reasons We Elected Trump, David Stolinsky 141
Trump Stands for Religious Freedom, Blaise Joseph 149
American Pharoah: America Will Be Stronger, Johnny Enlow 155
Trump Fulfilling Prophecies, 250 Rabbis 159
Dawn of a New Nation, Mike De Lorenzo 161
Manifest Destiny, BethAnon 165
God’s Message to Representative Mike Hill, Mike Hill 169
Praying for the President, Rodney Howard-Browne 171
Prophetic Dream about President Trump, Wanda Alger 175
The Earth Belongs to Us-We Are Q, Bulmaro Aguilar 181
Going All In for Trump, Mike Lindell 185
Trump Does the Unthinkable, Liz Crokin 189
Books & Saints, BethAnon 193
Saints Melania and Our First Lady, Melania, BethAnon 195
Found Tribes of Israel, BethAnon 199
Word of the Lord, Amanda Grace 205
The Birth of the Millennial Reign of Christ on Earth,
Melissa Redpill the World 221
Restoration of the Miraculous, BethAnon 225
How We Realized Trump is Leading Our Earth into the Golden Age,
Lindsay and Conner 227
Remarks to the 73rd Session of the United Nations General
Assembly, President Trump 245
What Donald Trump and King David Have in Common,
Garrett Ward Sheldon 259
“Man without God” versus “God without Man”,
Dr. Dmitry Radyshevsky 263
Archangels & Ascended Masters: A Synthesis of
Presidential-Election Prophecies, Christine Preston 267
God’s Anointed Leader Isn’t Always What We Expect,
Michelle Fitzpatrick Thomas 287
Proclamation on National Day of Prayer, Donald J. Trump 291
Quotes, Donald J. Trump 309
A Short List of Truthers, BethAnon 315
A Rallying Cry, BethAnon 319
About BethAnon 321
God’s Will Be Done 323
Thank You! 324
About Relentlessly Creative Books 325


Reviewed in the United States on November 28, 2020
I simply love this book. It stands in line with everything I have believed about Trump, and his second administration, and how he is Godly placed there. The individual prophecies detailed were very encouraging, and I love the fact that both Christian and other alternative spiritual perspectives were included in the book. Many people from different religions and different backgrounds all believe Trump is the one to lead our nation. Even now during this disputed time I’m still confident in President Trumps Godly success. This book was beautifully written and organized and is designed to be able to go back to the individual prophesies to be reread. Anyone who has any questions about this election should read this book and gain the hope, belief, and faith that is instilled in it.

Reviewed in the United States on November 28, 2020
Herein, is an accurate, brilliant elucidation of why every American should love President Trump! He is rescuing the free world from tyranny single-handedly! This is an outstanding depiction of that rise to influence and effective change by the best President of the United States ever: President Donald J Trump!

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