The Luminous Dusk
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For millennia humans knew the stars as well as we know our own backyards. Yet today many if not most of us have lost vital connections with our natural world, and so have in many ways lost our sense of wonder. In the thoughtful, genre-bending nonfiction tradition of Wendell Berry and Walker Percy, Dale Allison explores the loss of wonder in Western society. Mining insights from sources as diverse as ancient creation myths and contemporary children's books, he highlights our ongoing disconnect from the cosmos, tracing its undeniable spiritual and philosophical impact. The Luminous Dusk is an elegant, lyrical call to seek the stillness of God in our clamorous world.


Dale C. Allison Jr. is Richard J. Dearborn Professor of New Testament Studies at Princeton Theological Seminary.


Spirit & Life
"A provocative critique of modernity that is at once faithful and skeptical, serious and humourous."

Richard Foster
— author of Celebration of Discipline
"Dale Allison's voice is one that needs to be heard today. He is steeped in both biblical and classical literature and brings that vast reservoir to bear upon his insightful critique of contemporary society."

Virginia Stem Owens
— author of Looking for Jesus
"The Luminous Dusk is one of those rare books that simultaneously illuminate and delight. Reading it, one feels the world expand and resolves hereafter to lead a more spacious, less trivial life."

Harold Fickett
— author of The Living Christ
"An exhilarating investigation of modern culture and the sources of spiritual experience. . . The Luminous Dusk convicts us of how we put ourselves apart from the transcendent and urges us to reconsider. This book is a treasure."

Scot McKnight
— author of Embracing Grace
"Dale Allison asks if the stillness of God is not an invitation for us to listen. May we, with him, become more attentive as we seek wisdom."