Bearing True Witness
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If proclaiming the gospel is at root a matter of telling the truth about the way things are, then Christian witnesses are paradigmatic truth-tellers. In Bearing True Witness Craig Hovey engages modern theology, philosophy, and ethics — including the work of Nietzsche, Foucault, and MacIntyre — to consider how Christians see, recognize, embrace, and faithfully bear witness to the truth of Jesus Christ.

Hovey argues that when the church faithfully declares to the world that salvation is in Christ, that the world belongs to him, and that his works are good, it is essentially an ethical action. Moreover, he says, when Christians have the courage to speak honestly about the reality of God and divine truth, their witness becomes a force capable of challenging and overcoming worldly injustices and abuses of power.


Craig Hovey is assistant professor of religion at AshlandUniversity, Ashland, Ohio, and the author of BearingTrue Witness: Truthfulness in Christian Practice.,


"Craig Hovey has established himself as one of the most promising young theologians currently writing. Bearing True Witness can only confirm that judgment. His discussion of outrageous speech is not only important but it is an essential reminder that Christians think what we believe is true."
-- Stanley Hauerwas