Occupational Narratives
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More About This Title Occupational Narratives


Matthew Molineux is Head of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy at the Faculty of Health, Leeds Metropolitan University. He is also the founder and director of occupation UK, the British Institute for Occupation and Health. His undergraduate and postgraduate studies were conducted in Australia and the UK, and he has attracted a range of influential international contributors to produce this book. Together, they encompass a broad spectrum of experience in different settings.


CHAPTER 1: Introduction to narratives within occupational therapy and occupational science.

CHAPTER 2: Narrative analysis of oral histories - HIV/AIDS.

CHAPTER 3: Narratives based on an OT assessment tool - HIV/AIDS.

CHAPTER 4: Eliciting narratives - Children / families, cross cultural issues.

CHAPTER 5: Eliciting narratives - Work.

CHAPTER 6: Narrative Theory - Chronic Illness.

CHAPTER 7: Life story, narrative analysis - Mental Health.

CHAPTER 8: Narrative data collected using OPHI II - Chronic fatigue Syndrome.

CHAPTER 9: Life narratives - Ageing transitions.

CHAPTER 10: Life narratives - Older women.

CHAPTER 11: Life narratives - Occupational therapy education.

CHAPTER 12: Life narratives - Women with severe an enduring mental health conditions.

CHAPTER 13: Biographic interpretative method - Widowhood.

CHAPTER 14: Analysis of published texts.

CHAPTER 15: Physical Disability.

CHAPTER 16: Pain.

CHAPTER 17: Narrative approaches to occupational performance assessment.

CHAPTER 18: Therapists' narratives: Competence of occupational therapists.

CHAPTER 19: Narratives: Spinal cord injury.

CHAPTER 20: Client / user produced narratives: Mental Health or Learning Disabilities
