Full Potential Paradigm: Leading with Strategy Across the Capital Agenda
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More About This Title Full Potential Paradigm: Leading with Strategy Across the Capital Agenda


“Are you operating at Full Potential?” When was the last time you heard a CEO say his or her company was overvalued by the market? Could be put on auto-pilot?


The Full Potential ParadigmTM is a breakthrough framework for maximizing success in business, in team work, and in your life. The Full Potential ParadigmTM starts from the premise that no matter where we are now, we can do better, achieve more, and increase our reach to become the best we can be. It starts with an honest self-inventory by asking the questions, "Where am I now?" and "Where do I want to be in the future?" "Am I setting the right goals?" and "How do I achieve them?" The Paradigm then provides you with the approach and the insight to set your best goals and pursue them. Whether you are a business manager, a team leader, or an individual striving toward your own success, author Bill Achtmeyer offers vital new tools and real world examples to help you move forward.

In this book you will learn about:

  • The Market Context: remove tinted glasses, cut through “analysis paralysis”, and pursue “maniacal realism”; determine where you stand versus your competitors and your own true potential.
  • The Performance Gap: optimize where you are and what you have today. 
  • The Opportunity Gap: recognize and seize ripe opportunities—those that are obvious, and those not so obvious. 
  • The Perception Gap: understand the benefit of being valued optimally.

In today's complex business and social environments—with 24/7 news cycles, volatile geopolitical events, and ever shifting cultural trends—we all must be sharp and nimble, poised to shift strategy when advantageous. Based on over 30 years as an advisor to executive teams and a member of boards of leading growth organizations, Bill Achtmeyer shares insights on the hallmarks of successful strategy development. In The Full Potential ParadigmTM, he demonstrates the critical nature of cutting through the glut of data to forge a clear view ahead, to set the right targets, optimize value creation, and instill the clarity of maniacal realism. Join Bill as he lays out a framework that business leaders, team managers, and motivated individuals can follow to break through the noise around them and set the right roadmap to achieving their full potential.


Bill Achtmeyer (Parthenon.ey.com, Boston) is the Founder and Chairman of the Parthenon group, acquired by EY in 2014, as well as a managing partner. He is a recognized authority in corporate and business unit strategy and in mergers and acquisitions. Previously, Bill was a director at Bain & Company, where he founded and led the M&A and integration practice. He is also the chairman of Tenacity, the chairman of the Massachusetts High Technology Council and the vice chair of the board of trustees of Belmont Hill School. He is the former chairman of the Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children. In June 2012, Bill stepped down as the chairman of the board of overseers at the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth after 11 years of service.
