Be The Boss
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More About This Title Be The Boss


"Be the Boss is a compilation of lessons learned throughout my professional life. Although
I?ve started many businesses, my greatest success was founding Medicine Shoppe
International, Inc., a franchisor of more than a thousand retail pharmacies, with 2004
collective revenues in excess of $2 billion. In 1995, Cardinal Health (NYSE: CAH) acquired
Medicine Shoppe in a transaction valued at approximately $360 million.
Every business I started was exactly that, a startup?and all startups are small businesses.
Some grow big. Some start off with a vision to become big but never achieve it. Others
simply continue to grow because they are operated correctly, have a great mission, and
take on a life all their own. I?ve been fortunate enough to have been involved in several public offerings,
all of which started as small businesses.
I have created this guide for those who want to start a new business, purchase an existing
business, or buy a franchise. Each of these endeavors requires unique skills?and presents
unique challenges. By following my practical recommendations, you should be able to
maximize each business opportunity and reduce risk. If I?d had a book like this before
starting my fi rst business, I could have saved lots of money ? not to mention many
sleepless nights!
Because most businesses involve some type of sales, I have included a section on the
selling process. My sales philosophy has served me well throughout my business career.
These proven principles and practical techniques can help you dramatically increase your

Exhibited At: International book fairs
