5% More: Making Small Changes to Achieve Extraordinary Results
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More About This Title 5% More: Making Small Changes to Achieve Extraordinary Results


Small changes lead to big results that stick

5% More presents a painless route to change, with results that can last a lifetime. Whether you want to boost your health, wealth, or wisdom, this book reveals a key technique that makes it stick. You may already know that breaking big goals into small chunks makes them easier to achieve, but the trick is in making those chunks large enough to be productive, yet small enough to be sustainable. This book shows you how to bring your goals within reach with only five percent more effort. Five percent is almost unnoticeable in terms of effort—but it accrues quickly, with each step boosting the baseline. Increase sales, decrease your marathon time, boost your savings, or master a new skill. Just five percent more can get you where you want to be.

Small changes, small commitments, and small adjustments can lead to very big results. You can accomplish more than you ever thought possible in your business or in your life. This book walks you through the 5% More strategy to help you map your path to the future.

  • Accomplish big changes with very small steps
  • Make bigger leaps in progress each step of the way
  • Break big goals into manageable milestones
  • Find a change that you can stick to for the long-term

Mountain climbers don't conquer Everest on their first time out—attempting to do so would be a tragic failure. No matter what your goal, no matter what your baseline, small, incremental steps set you up for success. 5% More gives you a concrete strategy for realizing your goals and making changes that last.


MICHAEL ALDEN is one of America's most popular direct-response hosts and personalities and founder and CEO of Blue Vase® Marketing, a multimillion-dollar direct- response company capable of creating strategic marketing road maps for products and services. He is the author of the bestselling Ask More, Get More.

To learn more, please visit www.michael-alden.com or connect with Michael on social media:

Facebook: www.facebook/TheAldenReport
Twitter: @mikealden2012
Instagram: @mikealden2012
Snapchat: @mikealden2012


Acknowledgments xiii

Introduction xv

SECTION I The Philosophy of 5 Percent More

1 How to Give 5 Percent More—or Less 3

An Idea without a Plan Is Just an Idea 4

Take Them as Far as They Can See, Then They Will See Further 8

High School Hero to College Zero—What Does It Take to Be a Star? 10

Making the Grade—And Then Some? 12

Law School—Then What? 13

2 5 Percent More about 5 Percent More 18

Personal Accountability for Your Performance 21

The Many Applications of 5 Percent More 24

SECTION II Give 5 Percent More to Yourself

3 Be 5 Percent More Successful 29

Freeze-Pop Fantasies 30

A Dream without a Plan Is Just a Dream 31

Making Money Doing Nothing 32

5 Percent Days 35

Plan to Give 5 Percent More 36

4 Make 5 Percent More Money 37

5 Percent Mentality 39

5 Be 5 Percent Smarter 49

Team Leader to General Counsel 50

What If Your SAT Score Was Higher? 52

High School Grad/College Grad Income Gap 54


How Do We Ensure a Successful Child? 56

6 Be 5 Percent Stronger and Faster 57

Elite Athletes and What 5 Percent Means 58

Grow, Baby, Grow 62

5 Percent More Steps at a Time 64

7 Be 5 Percent Healthier 66

Meditation 68

Small Things Go a Long Way 70

8 Be 5 Percent Happier 75

Expand Your Happiness Horizons 77

The Top Doesn’t Mean You Will Fall Off—Recognize Your 5 Percent Moments 79

Carpe Diem 80

“Naked and Afraid” 81

Your Tunes, Your Wheels, and Your Clothes 83

SECTION III Give 5 Percent More to Others

9 Give 5 Percent More to the People You Work With 89

Success Is the Direct Result of Your Responsibility to Others 90

My Journey from Young Lawyer to Business Owner Was Taking Shape 93

10 Give 5 Percent More to the People You Work For 95

The 5 Percent More Mentality—Where Does It Come From? 98

Always Give More Than Expected 99

11 Make Life 5 Percent More Exciting for Others 101

Why Are Kids So Happy? 102

It’s Contagious—Trust Me! 103

Do 5 Percent More Stuff 105

12 Reading 5 Percent More to Our Children 106

5 Percent More Ways to Read to Your Child—Even If You Can’t 107

SECTION IV Give 5 Percent More to Your Business

13 5 Percent More Revenue 113

5 Percent Increases Mean Stable Business 115

5 Percent More at Work 116

Smarter Than Albert Einstein and Better Than the Domino Effect! 117

I’m Wrong 119

Troubled Past to Taking Just One Class 119

5 Percent More Customers 120

Just a Little Bit More! 121

14 5 Percent More Profit = Being 5 Percent More

Efficient and 5 Percent More Accountable at Work 123

One Thing That Is Always Constant Is Change 125

Locker Room Story 128

Just Two and a Half Doors a Day 129

My Dad the Sales Guy 130

Yes, You Can Make More Time—At Least 5 Percent More! 132

15 5 Percent More Perseverance 134

A Little Boy Named Billy 135

Unreasonable Action 136

Unrealistic Goals 137

Baby Steps 138

It Isn’t Always Easy 139

SECTION V 5 Percent Compounded

16 Less Is More 143

Massive and Immediate Action Doesn’t Work 143

Too Fast and Too Furious—How Not to Do It! 144

Take 5 Percent Less 146

More Than 5 Percent More 148

5 Percent More Is Massive Action 150

One or Two Last Arguments for Less Is More! 151

Rinse Your Cottage Cheese 153

17 Change 5 Percent of Your Habits 155

Stop Lying 156

A Little Change Science 157

Quit Smoking in 20 Days 159

18 This Changes Everything—It’s a Lot Bigger Than 5 Percent 166

No One Will Outwork Me 166

Recognize What Level You Are At 168

Can’t Skip a Level . . . Or Can You? 170

Stop Dreaming 171

Don’t Give Up 172

19 A Line in the Sand—What If Everyone Did This? 175

The Next Step 179

Next Level Stuff 180

Notes 182

Index 185
