Shannon Bennett's New York

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Eschewing the obvious attractions in favor of lesser-known treasures, this detailed book is a culinary guide to New York City by internationally renowned chef Shannon Bennett. From pastrami on rye at Katz’s and savory roast duck in Chinatown to a three-course meal at the Four Seasons, Shannon reviews his favorite restaurants, shares his lists of the best hotels and bars, and reveals where to find the tastiest hot dogs, burgers, and cocktails in the city. Also including New York–inspired recipes such as Waldorf Salad and Crab Cocktail, this lavishly illustrated book will make food lovers want to jump on the next flight to the Big Apple.


Shannon Bennett is the chef and owner of the acclaimed Melbourne restaurant Vue de Monde. He is the author of Shannon Bennett's France and Shannon Bennett's Paris.


"It's a mouthwatering paean to New York's multifaceted and multicultural culinary character. If you've never been, it'll make you want to book a flight tomorrow; if you have enjoyed a taste of the Big Apple, it'll make you hanker for another bite."  —Weekend West
