¡Hola! ¡Gracias! ¡Adiós!

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Winner of:International Latino Book Awards 2014, Primer Premio en la categoría Best Educational Children's Picture Book - Spanish or Bilingual Nora and Martin are two friends with a problem in common: they don’t like greeting or communicating with others. They are set in their ways until they realize one day that their lack of etiquette is rendering them invisible. Will they learn the power of communication before it’s too late?


Elisenda Roca is an award-winning Spanish radio and television journalist who has served as the doyenne of the Association of Journalists of Catalonia. She is the author of several books for parents and parents-to-be. Cristina Losantos is an illustrator who regularly contributes to newspapers and children’s magazines. She is the illustrator of a set of books in the Caballo alado ACCIÓN series. They previously collaborated on the children's books ¡Fuera pesadillas! and ¡No somos los tres cerditos!
