The Manager

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An affectionate look at the changing role, status, and style of the European football manager since the dawn of the professional era, from man with sponge, through flamboyant medallion-wearing eccentric, to handsome celebrity millionaire fronting up a UN anti-landmine campaign This history traces the remarkable journey of the football gaffer, from his humble beginnings as club secretary, to his modern incarnation—the man we all recognize, venting his spleen at the ref or getting huffy at a postmatch press conference. It takes the reader beyond the well-worn anecdotes, deeper into the stories of European football’s top men and the world they inhabit. Barney Ronay asks the important questions about these compelling characters—Where did they come from? Why are they so miserable? Where do they get their suits? Hilarious and absorbing, this book contains enough revelations to provide the most avid fan with a library of fresh tales.


Barney Ronay is the author of Any Chance of a Game? He is a senior sports writer for the Guardian online.