The 10 Secrets of 100% Healthy People

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Ten remarkably simple and effective habits that can help you not just survive but thrive Highly informative and practical, this guide covers 10 areas crucial to a healthy and happy life, including the key to gaining energy and losing weight, how to slow down the aging process, keeping your body and mind well oiled, sharpening your mind and improving your mood, keeping fit and supple, and finding your purpose in life. Some people have boundless energy and never get sick—what are their secrets? Patrick Holford and his team investigated by carrying out a comprehensive "100 percent health survey," which has now been completed by more than 55,000 people. This is a distillation of the fascinating insights provided by the survey's top scorers, and the author's 30 years of experience studying how to achieve good health. It shows readers how to discover where they are on the scale of 100 percent health and provides a new system of good health that is easy to follow and easily measurable—one that will enable people to transform their health and well being, whether they are relatively fit and healthy or struggling with health issues.


Patrick Holford is one of the world’s leading authorities on nutrition and mental health. He has written 30 health books and is the founder of the Institute for Optimum Nutrition. His books include The Holford Low GL Diet, The New Optimum Nutrition Bible, and Optimum Nutrition for the Mind.