Improve Your Slam Bidding

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A comprehensive guide to the latest developments in slams, one of the most difficult areas to master in bidding Bidding in the slam area has developed rapidly over the past 20 years and players are bidding slams more often and more accurately. Here Ron Klinger, writing in his lucid style, shows how to judge whether slam is likely or not. He also reveals the methods to find the critical cards in partner's hand—whether it is to stay out of a poor slam, bid a good small slam, or find an excellent grand slam.


Ron Klinger is a leading international bridge teacher who has represented Australia in many world championships from 1976 to 2007. He has written more than 50 books, including 100 Winning Bridge Tips, 100 Winning Duplicate Tips, and Improve Your Bridge Memory.


"Contain[s] a lot of useful material." — Santa Cruz Sentinel