Starting Research: An Introduction to Academic Research and Dissertation Writing

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By placing the emphasis on the common ground between physical and social research, this book encompasses the methods available to any student undertaking research for the first time. It is a practical text that provides a coherent theoretical basis for the construction of research planning. The descriptive text shows the researcher how to deal with non-quantitative data, written in a comprehensive way. It also introduces the reader to more esoteric ideas as well as the basic research principles. The book should give students the ability to understand and criticize research procedures and findings. As it progresses from a theoretical background to actual techniques, analysis of results, testing data and preparation of the final dissertation, a complete guide to research is the result.


Roy Preece, B.Sc., (Reading), DipLD, (Edinburgh), D.Phil. (Oxon)
牛津大學景觀建築思想史學家,退休前在牛津大學固定授課給許多來自美國知名大學對英國景觀建築歷史有興趣之學者,包含Chicago,Austin-Texas, Northwestern, Michigan State and Virginia, the American Bar Association。並著有兩本著名學術書籍(Designs on the Landscape, Belhaven, 1991; and Starting Research, Pinter, 1994),以及數篇相關學術文章。退休後, Roy在牛津布魯克斯大學輔導國際碩博士生撰寫學術論文達十二年,因此對來自非英語系國家的學生們最常面臨的英文書寫問題與英語文學習障礙有深刻的理解。透過這樣的理解, Roy 幫助過許許多多的異國學子們跨越英語學習的障礙。

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