Britain's Secret Treasures

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Magnificently illustrated, Britain's Secret Treasures is an official British Museum companion to
the ITV series, celebrating extraordinary artefacts found by ordinary members of the public and
the secret histories they've revealed. Every year, hundreds of valuable artefacts are discovered by ordinary members of the public. From hoards of Roman gold to tiny Viking spindle whorls, thousands of years of life in Britain are represented in these lost treasures. By exploring how these treasures were created, handled, discarded, and ultimately rediscovered, Britain's Secret Treasures reveals our ancestors lives and beliefs on an intimate, personal scale. Exciting and accessible, and including a chapter from the British Museum on how to go about treasure hunting yourself, this book will celebrate the rich history of Britain through the belongings our ancestors made, used, and treasured.


Mary-Ann Ochota is an anthropologist, broadcaster, and writer. She’s part of the team who presented Britain’s Secret Treasures, revealing the secret stories behind these compelling artefacts. Mary-Ann is passionate about making history and archaeology accessible and fun for a wide audience. A popular and familiar archaeology presenter, Mary-Ann co-hosted series 19 of Time Team with Tony Robinson, Nat Geo's The Truth Behind: King Arthur, and explored the secrets of prehistoric Silbury Hill for BBC4. Mary-Ann has an MA in Archaeology and Anthropology from Cambridge University, and has made programs exploring subjects as diverse as feral children, Roman bread, and beards. Mary-Ann blogs for the Independent, was commissioned to write an essay on the power of King Arthur in the upcoming collection of writing, Essays for a New Generation, and will begin a regular column in Current Archaeology, the UK’s best selling archaeology magazine, in 2013.