Out of Winter

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A universal subject is explored in this poignant book: the unfolding nature of our relationships with our parents as they age and as the roles and boundaries between us begin to alter. It charts the process of grief which follows Carol Lee's father's death in 2008, and that of her mother only eight weeks later. Her mother's death, so swiftly after her father's, tests the limits of her ability to reconfigure herself, to find who and what her mother and father are to her now, and to understand her brother's long flight into silence. In Out of Winter, Carol Lee uncovers the history of people—her parents—whom, at the end, she comes to know and love. Out of Winter confronts the idea of how well do we really know our parents?


Carol Lee is an author, journalist, and Alexander Technique teacher. She has written for the Guardian, Independent, Observer, Sunday Times, and many national magazines.She is the author of Crooked Angels, To Die For, and A Child Called Freedom.