Journey of life
Pictures always yield the opportunity for self-reflection better than words. After all, perceiving with our eyes is a few million years more evolved t
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Life is like a river making it`s way from the spring toward the ocean. Sometimes we are relaxing and sunbathing in the meanders and othertimes we fight for life in rapids. Sometimes we float downstream nice and easy and sometimes we struggle swimming upstream.
We walk through different chapters of Life that all pass in the end. Our goal is to be a loving, content and wise human being who benefits the world around him. There is a reason why we were born and it is only up to us to understand the meaning of why we are here.
The whole Life we strive to understand ourselves and the world around us. Oftentimes it is hard though to step outside of ourselves and our learned patterns. We often blame others or the world around us for our own unhappiness and think we are unhappy because of „this and that“. But in reality the actual cause for our unhappiness is our perception and how we perceive the world around us. Our relationship to people, things and values are the elemental principles that our happiness is based on.
Pictures always yield the opportunity for self-reflection better than words. After all, perceiving with our eyes is a few million years more evolved than understanding the written text. The purpose of these picture cards is to open conversation about important life topics in a group, family and most importantly for each of us. Pick a card of your choice or draw a random card from the pack. I then invite you to spend some time with the card and ponder upon it and maybe start a conversation. Notice your positive and negative reactions. Allow your own memories and experiences to surface. Let your imagination take you places.
So welcome on this extraordinary and adventurous journey across the landscapes of our inner life!


I’m an illustrator as well as a creative graphic designer and author. I’m a famos traveler, a novice to a countryside. An inspired and inspirational, constantly searching woman and wife… I have world wide expereance of living, working, studying and traveling in diferent parts of the world, like Germany, Australia, South Africa, India, Indonesia...
Without a shame I steal ideas of the universe which keep appearing in my mind so I’m excitedly forced to bring them to the world. I would like to inspire the adults and children to find liberated world of imagination which is hidden inside each one of us…I want to open the topic of a child’s personal development.
I draw inspirational pictures for kids. The themes of my illustrations arrive from the wisdom written, said, filmed or sang thousands of times but still neglected by many. The reason we fail to notice the wise message lies in our childhood when we didn’t learn to be sensitive to it.