Sons of Italy in Massachusetts, The
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The Grand Lodge of Massachusetts, Order Sons of Italy in America was chartered in 1914 and is one of the oldest lodges in the United States. The lodge recently celebrated its centennial with a long list of events that extolled the preservation and promotion of Italian heritage and culture that has endured since its inception. Founded by Italian immigrants and continued by their descendants, the organization has seen local lodges and junior lodges spring up across the commonwealth with the mission to foster fraternal, social, and charitable work. The Sons of Italy encourages all eligible persons to join and assist in promoting national education, charitable fundraising, securing adequate laws for the benefit of its members, enriching Italian culture and heritage, and combating discrimination while protecting and upholding the positive image of people of Italian birth or descent.


Anthony M. Sammarco is a noted historian and author of more than 60 books on Boston. An educator at the Urban College of Boston, he often lectures on the impact of immigrant groups in Boston in the 19th and 20th centuries and their contributions to the thriving nexus of cultures that led to such groups as the Sons of Italy. He is a proud member of the Renaissance Lodge, OSIA.
