Programming Interviews Exposed SECOND EDITION: Secrets to Landing Your Next Job
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More About This Title Programming Interviews Exposed SECOND EDITION: Secrets to Landing Your Next Job


John Mongan is a self-taught programmer with professional experience as a consultant for software and pharmaceutical companies. He has three patents on software testing technologies. He holds a BS in chemistry from Stanford and a PhD in Bioinformatics from UC San Diego, with thesis work in supercomputer simulations of protein dynamics.

Noah Suojanen Kindler graduated from Stanford with a BS in computer science, has worked for Boeing and is currently a consultant.

Eric Giguere is a software developer and the author of three Wiley programming books. He is a frequent speaker and is often interviewed by USA Today and other broad media on various topics.




1. Before the Search.

2. The Job Application Process.

3. Approaches to Programming Problems.

4. Linked Lists.

5. Trees and Graphs.

6. Arrays and Strings.

7. Recursion.

8. Concurrany.

9. Object Oriented Programming.

10. Databases.

11. Other Programming Topics.

12. Counting, Measuring, and Ordering Puzzles.

13. Graphical and Spatial Puzzles.

14. Knowledge-Based Questions.

15. Non-Technical Questions.

16. Conclusion.

Appendix. Resumes.

