Mission-Based Management: Leading Your Not-for-Profit In the 21st Century, Second Edition
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  • Wiley

More About This Title Mission-Based Management: Leading Your Not-for-Profit In the 21st Century, Second Edition


PETER C. BRINCKERHOFF is an internationally renowned trainer, author, and consultant to not-for-profit organizations. He brings years of experience in the field to his work, as he is a former board member of local, state, and national not-for-profits and has worked on the staff and as executive director of two regional not-for-profits. Since founding his consulting firm, Corporate Alternatives, in 1982, Mr. Brinckerhoff has helped thousands of organizations become more mission-capable.

Peter is the author of the award-winning book Mission-Based Management and Financial Empowerment, as well as Mission-Based Marketing, Faith-Based Management, and Social Entrepreneurship, all published by Wiley. Peter's books are used as texts in undergraduate and graduate programs in not-for-profit management at over 60 colleges and universities.

A former VISTA volunteer, Peter received his bachelor of arts degree from the University of Pennsylvania and his master's degree in public health administration from Tulane University. He lives in Springfield, Illinois, with his wife and three children.


Where We Were, Where We Are, Where We're Going.

What Works: The Characteristics of a Successful Not-for-Profit.

The Mission Is the Reason.

A Businesslike Board of Directors.

Managing Your People.

The Wired Not-for-Profit.

Creating a Social Entrepreneur.

Developing a Bias for Marketing.

Financial Empowerment.

A Vision for the Future.

The Controls That Set You Free.

A National Agenda: Empowering Our Not-for-Profits.

Final Words.