Assembly Language Step-by-Step, Second Edition: Programming with DOS and Linux
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  • Wiley

More About This Title Assembly Language Step-by-Step, Second Edition: Programming with DOS and Linux


JEFF DUNTEMANN is the Editor-in-Chief of Visual Developer magazine, former editor of Turbo Technix and PC Techniques, the "Structured Programming"columnist for Dr. Dobb's Journal, and has written and edited more than twenty programming books.


Another Pleasant Valley Saturday.

Alien Bases.

Lifting the Hood.

The Right to Assemble.

NASM-IDE: A Place to Stand.

An Uneasy Alliance.

Following Your Instructions.

Our Object All Sublime.

Dividing and Conquering.

Bits, Flags, Branches, and Tables.

Stringing Them Up.

The Programmer's View of Linux.

Coding for Linux.

Conclusion: Not the End, But Only the Beginning.

