Discovering Microsoft Works 3.0
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  • Wiley

More About This Title Discovering Microsoft Works 3.0


The emphasis here is on learning by doing and on learning skills in context. The text introduces students to Works 3.0, explaining the basic and more advanced features in an extremely user-friendly and careful manner. The book reflects the enhanced capabilities of Works 3.0 with new material on topics such as Toolbar, Help features, templates, WorksWizards and the AUTOSUM function. Numerous projects within the chapters will reinforce previously learned skills as well as introduce new skills.


The Word Processor: An Introduction.

The Word Processor: A Closer Look.

The Spreadsheet: An Introduction.

The Spreadsheet: A Closer Look.

The Database Manager: An Introduction.

The Database Manager: A Closer Look.

Integrating Works: An Introduction.

A Brief Look at Communications.


