Mission-Based Marketing: Positioning Your Not-for-Profit in an Increasingly Competitive World, 2e
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  • Wiley

More About This Title Mission-Based Marketing: Positioning Your Not-for-Profit in an Increasingly Competitive World, 2e


PETERC.BRINCKERHOFF is President of Corporate Alternatives, Inc. (CAi), one of the most innovative consulting and training firms in North America. Since 1982, Peter has consulted with thousands of not-for-profit staff and board members, and has been a featured speaker at meetings throughout the United States.
Peter is the author of two award-winning books, Mission-Based Management and Financial Empowerment, both from Wiley. Peter's books are used as the core texts in over seventy graduate and undergraduate university programs in nonprofit management. Peter's articles have been published in Advancing Philanthropy, NonProfit World, Strategic Governance, the Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing, Communications, and the Grantsmanship Center News.
Peter received his bachelor's degree from the University of Pennsylvania and his master's degree in public health administration from Tulane. He is a former VISTA Volunteer and has served as a staff member, executive director, board member, and volunteer for numerous local, state, and national not-for-profits. Peter lives in Springfield, Illinois, with his wife Chris and their three children, Ben, Adam, and Caitlin.


1. Introduction.

2. Marketing: The Competitive Edge.

3. Being Mission-Based and Market-Driven.

4. Being Flexible and Changing with the Market.

5. The Marketing Cycle for a Not-for-Profit.

6. Who Are Your Markets?

7. Who Are Your Competitors?

8. Asking Your Markets What They Want.

9. Better Marketing Materials.

10. Technology and Marketing.

11. Incredible Customer Service.

12. A Marketing Planning Process.

13. Resources for Marketing.

Final Words.

Appendix A: Survey Sample.

Appendix B: Focus Group Questions.

