Applied Survival Analysis: Regression Modeling ofTime to Event Data
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More About This Title Applied Survival Analysis: Regression Modeling ofTime to Event Data


DAVID W. HOSMER, Jr., PhD, and STANLEY LEMESHOW, PhD, are both professors of biostatistics in the Department of Biostatistics and Epidemiology of the University of Massachusetts School of Public Health and Health Sciences in Amherst, Massachusetts.


Introduction to Regression Modeling of Survival Data.

Descriptive Methods for Survival Data.

Regression Models for Survival Data.

Interpretation of a Fitted Proportional Hazards Regression Model.

Model Development.

Assessment of Model Adequacy.

Extensions of the Proportional Hazards Model.

Parametric Regression Models.

Other Models and Topics.





"This is actually a great book to read. It has a wealth of examples and applications." (Technometrics, February, 2001)

...the book is an ideal textbook for people with knowledge of regression analysis who want to become acquainted with the methods of survival analysis. (International Journal of Epidemiology, Volume 30 No 2 2001)

"...highly recommended..." (Statistical Methods in Medical Research, August 1999)

"...the goal of this book is to provide a focused text on regression modeling for the time to event data typically encountered in health related studies...a good description of its contents." (Zentralblatt MATH, Vol. 966, 2001/16)