Photoshop Elements 8 After the Shoot
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  • Wiley

More About This Title Photoshop Elements 8 After the Shoot


Mark Fitzgerald is an Adobe Certified Photoshop Expert who specializes in helping both hobbyist and professional photographers make the most of digital technology. He operates The Digital Darkroom, a consulting business, and is the author of Adobe Photoshop Lightroom and Photoshop Workflow Bible, also from Wiley.


About the Author.



Chapter 1: Understanding the Purpose of Photoshop Elements.

Chapter 2: Importing Photos into the Organizer.

Chapter 3: Understanding the Organizer.

Chapter 4: Building and Maintaining an Organized System.

Chapter 5: Introduction to Editing Photos.

Chapter 6: Adjusting Brightness and Contrast.

Chapter 7: Working with Color.

Chapter 8: Working with Raw Files.

Chapter 9: Making Local Adjustments to Tone and Color.

Chapter 10: Improving Your Photos with Retouching.

Chapter 11: Combining Multiple Photos.

Chapter 12: Adding Special Effects to Your Photos.

Chapter 13: Making Final Adjustments.

Chapter 14: Sharing Your Photos.


