Discipline In The Secondary ClassroomA Problem-By-Problem Survival Guide
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More About This Title Discipline In The Secondary ClassroomA Problem-By-Problem Survival Guide


Randall S. Sprick, Ph.D. (University of Oregon) has been a classroom teacher of students with emotional and behavioral problems and has also worked with both elementary and secondary students in regular classrooms as a supervisor and educational consultant.

Dr. Sprick is currently director of Instructional Resources, a company that provides inservice development programs to school districts throughout the country. Each year he conducts workshops and classes for over 4,000 teachers and administrators, and much of his work involves helping teachers set up classrooms that encourage student responsibility and motivation, while dealing effectively with the various problems that arise.


About this book.


Chapter 1: Beginning a new semester.

Advance planning— before school begins.

Planning your disciplines policies.

Tips on conducting the first ten minutes of class.

A five-step process for teaching students how to behave.

Checklist for teachers new to a building.

Chapter 2: Effective grading systems.-

Features of an effective grading system.

Designing an effective grading system.



Chapter 3: Teacher-student interactions.

Improving student-teacher interactions.

Guidelines for providing effective positive feedback.

Gaining sophistication with effective student-teacher interactions.

Chapter 4: Goal Setting.

Goal setting with an entire class.

Chapter 5: Class-wide motivational systems.

Illustration one.

Illustration two.

Illustration three.

Basic steps for setting up a classroom reinforcement system.


Chapter 6: the high-risk student.

A school-wide plan for salvaging high-risk students.

Designing an individualized motivational system.

Modifying a system that is not working.


Chapter 7: Punishment consequences— guidelines and limitations.

Punishment defined.

Common misconceptions.

Guidelines for using punishment effectively.

Chapter 8: Classroom consequences.

Gentle verbal reprimand.

Selecting consequences when inappropriate behavior continues.

Chapter 9: School-wide discipline.

Recommendations for developing an effective school-wide policy.

Consequences for office referrals.



1. making excuses for everything.

2. swearing.

3. talking back.

4. talking during lectures.

5. failing to raise hands.

6. forgetting to bring textbooks to class.

7. taking too long to write answers.

8. cheating.

9. threatening to commit suicide.

10. feeling picked on by the teacher.

11. chewing gum.

12. tipping back in a chair.

13. hypochondriac.

14. being off task during independent seatwork.

15. talking during class— one or two students.

16. talking during class— several students.

17. misbehaving during independent seatwork time.

18. making "wisecracks" or being a "smart aleck".

19. misbehaving after being reinforced.

20. doing nothing— passive resistance and failure to be motivated by anything.

21. being embarrassed by praise or not liking praise.

22. acting violently or out of control.

23. destroying property or vandalism.

24. name-calling.

25. fighting.

26. threatening violence or extortion.

27. poor test-taking skills or test anxiety.

28. poor listening skills and not following verbal directions.

29. handing in late or incomplete assignments.

30. failing to follow written directions.

31. turning in sloppy written work.

32. poor planning on long-term assignments.

33. failing to complete homework assignments— a class problem.

34. failing to complete homework assignments— an individual problem.

35. skipping class or absenteeism with no excuse.

36. excessive excused absences.

37. arriving late, or being tardy.

38. stealing.

39. using and abusing drugs.

40. smoking.

41. misbehaving in hallways and other school areas.

42. poor academic skills.

