Community College Faculty: Characteristics, Practices, and Challenges: New Directions for CommunityColleges # 118
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More About This Title Community College Faculty: Characteristics, Practices, and Challenges: New Directions for CommunityColleges # 118


This issue offers multiple perspectives on the ways community college faculty fulfill their complex roles. The first chapters draw on data from national surveys to provide a broad overview of the contemporary community college professoriate. Chapter authors also focus on community college faculty's central responsibility: teaching. The volume next examines the practices and attitudes of particular groups of instructors, including part-timers, female faculty, and faculty of color. The concluding chapters explore faculty professional development, the formation of community within the community colleges, and the development of the professoriate as a profession.

This is the 118th issue of the Jossey-Bass series New Directions for Community Colleges.


CHARLES L. OUTCALT earned his Ph.D. from the Graduate School of Education and Information Studies at the University of California-Los Angeles in 2002. His dissertation offers a profile of community college faculty.


Charles L. Outcalt

PART ONE: Profiles of Community College Faculty

1. Disciplinary Variations in the Work of Full-Time FacultyMembers
James C. Palmer

2. University Reference Group Identification Among Community College Faculty
Jenny J. Lee

PART TWO: The Heart of Professional Practice: Teaching andStudent Interaction

3. Using the Lenses of Critically Reflective Teaching in theCommunity College Classroom
Stephen D. Brookfield

4. Instructional Practices of Part-Time and Full-Time Faculty
Pam Schuetz

5. Faculty Attitudes About Students
Carol A. Kozeracki

PART THREE: Challenges and Opportunities for CommunityCollege Faculty

6. Part-Time Faculty: Competent and Committed
David W. Leslie, Judith M. Gappa

7. Exploring the Climate for Women as Community CollegeFaculty
Linda Serra Hagedorn, Berta Vigil Laden

8. Still Strangers After AllThese Years?
Beverly L. Bower

9. The Current State of Faculty Development in Two-YearColleges
John P. Murray

10. Building Community: The Second Century, the SameChallenge
Iris M. Weisman, John W. Marr, Jr.

11. Toward a Professionalized Community College Professoriate
Charles L. Outcalt

12. Sources and Information
Michael Fleming

