Practicing Organization Development: AGuide for Consultants, Second Edition
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William J. Rothwell is professor of human resource development in the Department of Adult Education, Instructional Systems and Workforce Education and Development on the University Park Campus of The Pennsylvania State University. Rothwell is also North American editor of the International Journal of Training and Development, and the author and editor of numerous publications including the bestselling books Improving On-the-Job Training, 2nd ed. and Mastering the Instructional Design Process, 3rd ed.

Roland L. Sullivan, is president of RS Associates. Since 1962, he has guided change processes with over 1,000 organizations in 17 countries and in virtually every major industry. Roland's regularly works with large groups helping them understand and integrate human and economic realities in Whole System Transformation.


Contents of the CD-ROM.

List of Exhibits, Tables, Figures, and Tables.



Statement of the Board.




1. Organization Development (William J. Rothwell and Roland L. Sullivan).

2. Models for Change (William J. Rothwell and Roland L. Sullivan).

3. On the Shoulders of Giants: The Origins of OD (Billie T. Alban and John J. Scherer).

4. Using the HRD Audit to Build Convergence Between Human Resource Management and Organization Development (T.V. Rao and William J. Rothwell).

5. Competencies of OD Practitioners (Christopher G. Worley, William J. Rothwell, and Roland L. Sullivan).

6. Organization Development from the View of the Experts: Summary Results (D.D. Warrick).

7. A Future-Responsive Perspective for Competent Practice in OD (Saul Eisen, Jeanne Cherbeneau, and Christopher G. Worley).


8. Marketing OD (Alan Weiss).

9. Pre-Launch (David W. Jamieson).

10. Launch: Assessment and Action Planning (D.D. Warrick).

11. Implementation and Continuing the Change Effort (W. Warner Burke).

12. Evaluation (Gary N. McLean and Steven H. Cady).

13. Separation (W. Warner Burke and Ann Van Eron).


14. Taking Organization Culture Seriously (Edgar Schein).

15. Person-Centered OD Interventions (Udai Pareek, John J. Scherer, and Lynn Brinkerhoff).

16. Team Building: Past, Present, and Future (W. Gibb Dyer, Jr.).

17. Interventions in Large Systems (Thomas G. Cummings and Anne E. Feyerherm).

18. Whole System Transformation: The Five Truths of Change (Steven H. Cady and Kathleen D. Dannemiller).

19. OD Through Interlevel Dynamics (David Coghlan).


20. Global Organization Development (Gary N. McLean, Karen J. Davis, Mila N. Baker, and Juana Anguita).

21. Values, Ethics, and Practice in the Field of Organization Development (Terri Egan and William Gellermann).

22. Bringing Every Mind into the Game to Realize the Positive Revolution in Strategy: The Appreciative Inquiry Summit (Frank J. Barrett, David L. Cooperrider, and Ronald E. Fry).

23. Human Systems Dynamics: Competencies in a Complex World (Glenda H. Eoyang).

24. Technology and Organization Development (Soren Kaplan).

25. The Personhood of the Consultant: The OD Practitioner as Human Being (Robert Tannenbaum with Saul Eisen).

26. Adding to the Complexity of Personal Change (Kristine Quade).

27. Practicing Internal OD (Allan Foss, David Lipsky, Allen Orr, Beverly Scott, Terrence Seamon, Julie Smendzuik-O’Brien, Anna Tavis, Dale Wissman, and Catherine Woods).

28. Our Work for the Times in Which We Live (Margaret Wheatley).

Appendix I. A Self-Assessment Tool for OD Competencies (Christopher G. Worley, William J. Rothwell, and Roland L. Sullivan).

Appendix II. Future OD Practice and Practitioner Competencies (Saul Eisen).

About the Editors.

About the Contributing Authors.

About the Series Editors.

About the Board Members.

Subject Index.

Name Index.

How to Use the CD-Rom.

Pfeiffer Publications Guide.


"Nowadays a good roadmap is needed to navigate all the roads, and this book does a great job of telling the reader of the variety of destinations that can be reached and how to reach them. ...this book is as complete a compendium on what OD is and can be as is currently available."
--Dr. Edgar H. Schein, Sloan Fellows Professor of Management Emeritus, MIT Sloan School of Management, co-founder of the Addison-Wesley OD series in 1969

"Many of our organizations are in a crucible. Crucibles are utterly transformational experiences from which one emerges either hopelessly broken or powerfully emboldened to learn and lead. This book is a bright signal of what our change field has to assist you to become successful and make a difference in all you do."
--Dr. Warren Bennis, professor and founding chairman of The Leadership Institute at the University of Southern California
