A Work of Heart: Understanding How God Shapes Spiritual Leaders
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More About This Title A Work of Heart: Understanding How God Shapes Spiritual Leaders


REGGIE MCNEAL is the director of leadership development for South Carolina Baptist Convention. Drawing on twenty years of leadership roles in local congregations, and his work over the last decade with thousands of church leaders, McNeal counsels local churches, denominational groups, seminaries and colleges, and parachurch organizations in their leadership-development needs. He lives in Columbia, South Carolina, with his wife and two daughters.



Introduction: Looking for God in All the Right Places.

Part 1: How God Shaped Moses, David, Paul, and Jesus for Leadership.

1. Moses: A Heart on a Mission.

2. David: A Heart After God.

3. Paul: A Heart Captured by God.

4. Jesus: The Heartbeat of God.

Part 2: Recognizing God's Shaping Work in Our Own Lives.

5. Culture: Meeting the World.

6. Call: Figuring Out Why We Are Here.

7. Community: Connecting with Others' Hearts.

8. Communion: Rehearsing for Eternity.

9. Conflict: Learning to Die So We Can Live.

10. Commonplace: Discovering That the Ordinary Is Extra-Ordinary.

Conclusion: Collaborating with God's Heart-Shaping Project.


The Author.



"It is not just the skills of ministry that are important. The heart-sculpting work of God creates quality ministries. A Work of Heart explains how God is shaping each of us for future service." --Bob Buford, founding chairman, Leadership Network

"We've read leadership manuals ad nauseum. We've attended every high-powered conference imaginable. We've bought the T-shirts, the three-ring binders, and all the right soundbites. But if we're honest, we're in serious drift mode, and we know it. . . . In A Work of Heart, Reggie McNeal has given us nothing less than CPR for the leader's soul, a book that moves us beyond leadership "how-tos" to the lifeline of genuine influence-our own intricate, passionate journey with God." --Sally Morgenthaler, author, Worship Evangelism

"Everyone committed to developing leaders must study Reggie McNeal's understandings of heart shaping, and in doing so, will experience their own hearts being sculpted." --Donald O. Clifton, chairman, The Gallup Organization

"This is a must-read for present and emerging leaders who desire to balance practical leadership techniques with a heart shaped by God. In typical McNeal fashion, this book makes the connection between the truths of Scripture and the real world the leader lives in." --Tim Schroeder, senior pastor, Trinity Baptist Church, Kelowna, BC, Canada

"Don't lose heart! Reggie McNeal helps us look under the hood, at the engine of our lives and leadership-our heart-and shows us what it takes to lead with increasing clarity and confidence and live with greater peace." --Dieter Zander, church planter, San Francisco, CA